
Google Play 客户常见问题解答


Google Play 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Google Play 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何在Google Play上更新我的帐户和帐单信息?

按照本分步指南,您可以轻松更新 Google Play 商店中的账单信息。登录您的帐户并浏览...

如何恢复我的Google Play帐户?

在 Google 将您锁定在系统之外或您将自己锁定在系统之外之后,您可能需要恢复您的 Google Play 帐户...
询问有关Google Play客户服务的任何问题,立即获得答案。

最近 Google Play 个客户问题

How do I talk to a real person about unauthorized Google play charges

There is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page that you are viewing. This will help you connect with someone regarding unauthorized Google Play charges.
询问时间:Feb 13, 2025 3:22 PM

Google is charging my cash app card multiple small charges consistently that I didn’t request. It charges over and over even after a declined request. It just keeps requesting withdrawals back to back

If you're experiencing multiple unauthorized charges from Google on your Cash App card, it may be a result of a subscription or service you may have signed up for. We recommend checking your Google Play purchase history and any active subscriptions linked to your account. If the charges are erroneous or unauthorized, please consider reporting them through your Cash App for a resolution.
询问时间:Oct 11, 2024 10:05 PM

App developer refuses support, google strung me along for a month

We're sorry to hear that you are having a difficult experience with an app developer and not getting the support you need. Google Play strives to ensure a satisfactory experience for all users, however, app developers manage their own support services. If you are unsatisfied with an app service, you can leave a rating or review on Google Play to share your experience for others to see. If the problem is more serious, you may report it to Google Play for further investigation. Despite these frustrating circumstances, we hope that your future experiences are more positive.
询问时间:May 19, 2024 1:26 AM

I purchased a Google Play card. And it's saying it needs more information to be redeemed

Google Play might need more information to redeem your card as a measure to protect against potential fraud. They may ask for details like the Google account you'd like to credit, or where the card was purchased. If you're requested to send any more information (like proof of purchase), make sure not to share the code with anyone you do not recognise or trust. Ensure that the person requesting the details is a legitimate Google representative. Beware of scams and avoid giving out card details over suspicious calls or emails. Always follow the correct procedure for redemption as per Google's instructions. If you're still having issues after confirming these points, there's a link on this page for the most up-to-date contact information for further assistance.
询问时间:May 15, 2024 6:52 AM

hello,I purchase a giftcard of $100 since 5 days ago,but I can’t be able to redeem it,it keep saying invalid code

It seems like you're having difficulties redeeming your Google Play gift card. To prevent errors, make sure you're entering the code correctly and that there are no spaces. If the code is still invalid, it could be due to several reasons. The card may not be activated, it could have been used already, or maybe it isn't applicable in your country. You might need to return to the store if it wasn't properly activated. If the code has been used already, the card won't be valid anymore. If the card was purchased in a different country, it might not work due to Google Play's country-specific rules.
询问时间:Apr 24, 2024 8:23 AM

帮助我解决Google Play客户服务问题

Gift Cards

如何使用 Google Play 礼品卡进行购买?

您可以使用礼品卡在 Google Play 商店中购买数字内容或订阅应用程序。不过,您需要兑换...

如何查看我的 Google Play 礼品卡余额?

将 Google Play 礼品卡添加到您的帐户后,您可以轻松查看其余额。只需访问 Google Play 并点击...

如何向某人发送 Google Play 礼品卡?

您可以在线和实体店购买 Google Play 礼品卡。前往亚马逊网站、Target、Lowe's 或 Kroger 购买礼品卡......

如何从 Google Play 申请礼品卡退款?

如果您使用礼品卡从 Google Play 购买了商品,并且公司...

如何从 Google Play 购买礼品卡?

转至 Google Play 商店,从 Google Play 在线购买礼品卡。选择您要购买的礼品卡金额。点击...

如果我的 Google Play 礼品卡余额无法加载,我该怎么办?

如果您在兑换 Google Play 礼品卡后检查余额,发现无法充值或已充值...

如何解决我的Google Play礼品卡或促销代码未加载的问题?



如何取消我的 Google Play 订阅?

如果您想取消 Google Play 订阅,最好的方法是通过 Playstore 应用或 Google 网站。留在...


是否可以从Google Play获得技术支持?

Google 为 Google Play 用户提供广泛的支持,包括聊天、电子邮件、帮助指南以及 Google Play 技术社区……


如何报告Google Pay上的未经授权的费用?

如果您发现 Google Pay 帐户出现未经授权的收费,您可以采取一些步骤来解决该问题。首先,验证...

如何投诉Google Play费用?

Google Play 用户有时可能会在其帐户中遇到未经授权的收费。要对 Play 商店中的费用提出异议,用户 1. 检查 Google Play 应用中帐单上的费用。如果费用以不同的格式显示,则表明该费用不是来自 Google Play。 2. 阅读 Google Play 退款政策,了解该费用是否符合退款条件。 3. 导航至 Google Play 应用中的“帮助和反馈”部分。 4. 搜索“退款”并从搜索结果中选择“了解 Google Play 上的退款”。 5. 熟悉退款政策,如果您的费用符合要求,请点击“请求退款”。 6. 确认购买时使用的帐户,然后选择“继续”。 7. 从列表中选择未经授权的购买,然后单击“继续”。 8. 选择适当的退款原因,然后单击“继续”。 9. 简要说明原因,然后单击“请求退款”。 10. 确认帐户并选择“继续”,检查退款状态。 11. 选择退款状态以查看有争议的费用的详细信息。 12. 如果问题无法解决,请联系信用卡发卡机构或银行。定期监控帐户活动非常重要......


如何在Google Play上更新我的帐户和帐单信息?

按照本分步指南,您可以轻松更新 Google Play 商店中的账单信息。登录您的帐户并浏览...

Account Recovery

如何恢复我的Google Play帐户?

在 Google 将您锁定在系统之外或您将自己锁定在系统之外之后,您可能需要恢复您的 Google Play 帐户...

Payment Methods

我可以在 Google Play 上进行单次购买时使用多种付款方式吗?

是的,您可以在 Google Play 上进行单次购买时使用多种付款方式。 Google Play 允许用户使用各种支付方式...

App Downloads

Google Play 上应用下载的最大大小限制是多少?

Google Play 上应用下载的最大大小限制为 100MB。这包括应用程序的初始下载和任何其他...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Google Play 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Google Play 个问题


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