
Coinbase 客户常见问题解答


Coinbase 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Coinbase 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何从 Coinbase 关闭我的信用额度?

如果您不再有兴趣使用 Coinbase 的信用额度,您可以联系客户支持来关闭您的帐户。你会...

如何将比特币转移到 Coinbase 上的银行账户?


最近 Coinbase 个客户问题

how do I speak to a representative?

There is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page that you're viewing.
询问时间:Feb 20, 2025 5:10 PM

Why can't I send my ETH to my wallet?

There could be several reasons you're unable to send ETH to your wallet. Ensure that you have sufficient ETH balance to cover the transaction fees. Confirm that the wallet address you’re sending to is correct and properly formatted. Additionally, check if there are any network issues or high congestion affecting Ethereum transactions. If your account is locked or there are security measures in place, that may also prevent you from sending funds.
询问时间:Feb 8, 2025 6:46 PM

I am unable to receive a verification code for my old number on Coinbase.

If you're unable to receive a verification code for your old number, you may need to update your phone number in your account settings. If you cannot access your account, you may be required to go through the account recovery process to regain access. Instructions for account recovery are provided on the site.
询问时间:Feb 6, 2025 10:23 PM

I need to check my balance on my coinbase wallet

To check your balance on your Coinbase wallet, log in to your Coinbase account via the app or website. Navigate to the "Portfolio" or "Wallet" section, where you will see your available balances for each cryptocurrency. Make sure you are connected to the internet to retrieve the latest information.
询问时间:Oct 13, 2024 12:33 AM

Can't log in say a person already log in using my information

This issue could potentially mean someone else has gained access to your account. It is recommended to immediately reset your password and secure your account. Afterwards, make sure you enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for an extra layer of security. If you're still unable to regain control of your account, reach out to Coinbase’s customer support immediately. The link to the most up-to-date contact information is right here on this page you are viewing.
询问时间:May 13, 2024 7:05 AM



如何从 Coinbase 取消我的贷款?

Coinbase 允许账户持有人根据其总体账户余额借钱,但它没有取消机制......

如何从 Coinbase 申请长期贷款?

Coinbase 是允许用户获得现金贷款或信用额度的加密货币交易所之一。你必须生活在一个...

我如何从 Coinbase 获得贷款?

Coinbase 用户可能有资格从 Coinbase 获得贷款。首先,请登录您的帐户以确定您是否符合资格...

我可以在没有抵押品的情况下从 Coinbase 获得贷款吗?

Coinbase 信贷服务是一种无需出售加密资产即可获取现金的便捷方式。 Coinbase 使用加密资产...

如果我不偿还 Coinbase 的贷款会怎样?

如果您不偿还 Coinbase 贷款,他们可能会出售您的 BTC 抵押品以弥补未付款和任何应计利息。你...

如何从 Coinbase 申请信用额度?

从 Coinbase 申请信用额度是一个相对简单的过程。您需要确定您的资格,计算...

我可以从 Coinbase 借钱购买加密货币吗?

Coinbase 是借钱交易加密货币的绝佳选择。过程很简单,条款也很灵活。只有你...

Crypto Transactions

我如何在 Coinbase 上借出加密货币?

在 Coinbase 上借出加密货币是赚取额外收入的好方法。它的风险相对较低,并且可以成为一个不错的被动收入来源......

如何将比特币转移到 Coinbase 上的银行账户?


Account Management

如何从 Coinbase 关闭我的信用额度?

如果您不再有兴趣使用 Coinbase 的信用额度,您可以联系客户支持来关闭您的帐户。你会...

如何找到我的 Coinbase 钱包地址?

所有 Coinbase 钱包交易都在区块链上完成。如果您将资金发送到错误的地址,Coinbase 钱包将无法恢复...


如果您想提高 Coinbase 的支出限额,您需要完成几个步骤,以便公司验证……




您可能想要重置 Coinbase 帐户密码的原因有多种,其中最重要的一个就是忘记密码。你...



Account Security

如何验证我的 Coinbase 帐户?

您需要提供具体文件来验证您的 Coinbase 帐户。在开始之前,请确保您研究了所需的详细信息...

如何在我的 Coinbase 帐户上设置两因素身份验证?

Coinbase 提供了三种为您的数字钱包安装多因素身份验证代码的主要方法。您可以选择一次性...

如果我的 Coinbase 帐户被黑了怎么办?

如果您的 Coinbase 帐户被黑客入侵,您必须迅速采取行动。暂时锁定您的帐户以限制访问并防止财务...


如果您的 Coinbase 帐户有任何问题,您可以随时联系客户支持服务以获取这些有用的帮助...


如果您在 Coinbase 上收到“抱歉,帐户暂时禁用”错误消息,则您的帐户可能已成为黑客的目标或......

Deposits and Transactions

Coinbase 的最低存款金额是多少?

Coinbase 的最低存款金额取决于您存入的货币。对于美元,最低存款金额为 1 美元......

在 Coinbase 上购买/出售加密货币需要多长时间?

在 Coinbase 上买卖加密货币所需的时间可能会因多种因素而异。对于使用借记卡进行的购买...

在 Coinbase 上购买/出售加密货币的费用是多少?

在 Coinbase 上购买/出售加密货币的费用根据交易金额、付款方式和地点而有所不同。在里面...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Coinbase 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Coinbase 个问题

