
CenturyLink 客户常见问题解答


CenturyLink 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 CenturyLink 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何恢复我的 CenturyLink 帐户?

您可以通过多种方式恢复您的 CenturyLink 帐户。您可以尝试在 CenturyLink 网站上恢复您的帐户,...

如何取消我的 CenturyLink 服务?

如果您对 CenturyLink 订阅不再感兴趣,您可以通过几个简单的步骤取消它。您还可以选择...

最近 CenturyLink 个客户问题

How do I increase my download speed?

To increase your download speed with CenturyLink, try these steps: 1. Reboot your modem or router. 2. Check for and close unnecessary background programs or devices using bandwidth. 3. Move your device closer to the router or use a wired connection. 4. Ensure your equipment supports higher speeds. 5. Run a speed test to diagnose issues. 6. Consider upgrading your internet plan for higher speeds. 7. Update firmware/software on your modem/router. If issues persist, it might be necessary to contact CenturyLink support for further assistance.
询问时间:Jul 8, 2024 11:12 AM

how do i set up online account access?

To set up online account access with CenturyLink, begin by visiting the CenturyLink website. Look for the "My Account" section, then select "Sign In". Here, you should find an option to create a new account if you don't already have one. The site will prompt you to enter your CenturyLink phone number or account number, followed by the billing zip code. Once entered, you'll have to create a unique username and a strong, secure password. You'll also need to provide a valid email address. After you've finished this process, you'll have access to your CenturyLink account online, where you can manage your billing, services, and more.
询问时间:Jun 20, 2024 5:27 PM

If i disconnect my land line phone number will my internet stop working?

No, disconnecting your landline phone number should not interfere with your internet service. CenturyLink provides separate services for landline phones and internet. While they can be bundled together for billing purposes, they function independently. Therefore, unless your internet service and landline are bundled in a way that requires both to be active, you can cancel your landline without affecting your internet connection.
询问时间:May 30, 2024 7:26 PM

I have discounted my service and I need to send my router back. Where do I send it/

Once you've discontinued your CenturyLink service, you need to return your rented equipment. CenturyLink should send you a prepaid mailing label to return the equipment. If you haven't received this, you should contact CenturyLink directly. You can use the link provided on this page to find the most current contact information. Once you have your label, pack the router securely in a box, affix the prepaid label, and send it via the carrier specified on the return label. Please ensure that you get a receipt when you drop off the package, as this is your proof of return.
询问时间:May 29, 2024 7:49 PM

how to get live customer service

To get live customer service from CenturyLink, you can initiate a live chat through their website or you can call them. Currently, the most updated contact information is always accessible right here on the page you're viewing. Both options will connect you with knowledgeable representatives who can assist you with your queries or concerns promptly. Please note that exact availability hours might vary depending on your specific location and issue. It's recommended to gather any relevant information, such as your account number, before reaching out for smoother service.
询问时间:May 21, 2024 9:13 PM


Billing and Payment

我可以通过电话支付 CenturyLink 账单吗?

支付 CenturyLink 账单并不一定是一项艰巨的任务。有多种付款方式可供选择。你可以...

我如何在线支付 CenturyLink 账单?

作为 CenturyLink 客户,您希望确保每月按时支付账单。您可以使用以下三种方式之一在线支付账单...

我可以在哪里支付 CenturyLink 账单?

CenturyLink 提供一些最灵活的计划,您无需花太多钱即可购买。他们提供各种各样的服务...

Account Management

如何恢复我的 CenturyLink 帐户?

您可以通过多种方式恢复您的 CenturyLink 帐户。您可以尝试在 CenturyLink 网站上恢复您的帐户,...

如何取消我的 CenturyLink 服务?

如果您对 CenturyLink 订阅不再感兴趣,您可以通过几个简单的步骤取消它。您还可以选择...

Service Setup

如何使用 Century Link 注册服务?

本文讨论如何注册 Century Link 服务。它还分享了当您浏览世纪链接报价网站时要寻找的内容...

如何与 CenturyLink 预约安装?

如果您计划使用 Century Link 进行任何安装,可以轻松联系他们并提供您所需的所有信息。您可以获取信息...

使用 CenturyLink 设置互联网服务需要多长时间?

CenturyLink 互联网服务的设置时间可能会因多种因素而异。一般来说,预计安装时间...

我可以在 CenturyLink 上使用我自己的调制解调器吗?

是的,您可以在 CenturyLink 中使用您自己的调制解调器。 CenturyLink 支持多种第三方调制解调器,这些调制解调器兼容...

Customer Satisfaction

CenturyLink 的互联网服务客户满意度最高吗?

CenturyLink 可能无法根据客户满意度提供最好的客户服务,但在提供更好的服务方面已经取得了进展......

CenturyLink 互联网服务好吗?

Centurylink 是一家流行的互联网服务提供商,在美国大陆的大部分地区提供服务。它有两个服务计划...

购买互联网提供商时我应该问 CenturyLink 哪些问题?

如果您正在比较购买互联网服务提供商,您可能会考虑 Centurylink 作为您的选择之一。为了...

CenturyLink 是最便宜的互联网服务吗?

Centurylink 提供市场上一些最好的互联网和电话账单计划,并且始终建议协商一个好的交易......

Rate Negotiation

如何让 CenturyLink 降低我的月费?

CenturyLink 提供良好的互联网套餐、电话套餐和电视服务。如果您对每月的费用不满意,您...

Technical Support

如何解决 CenturyLink 的缓冲问题?

本文讨论使用 CenturyLink 的互联网服务之一观看流媒体视频时的缓冲问题。各种...


随着您对互联网服务的依赖程度越来越高,您必然需要来自 Centurylink 的技术支持...

Internet Packages

CenturyLink 提供哪些互联网套餐?

CenturyLink 提供一系列互联网套餐以满足各种需求和预算。客户可以从多种速度选项中进行选择,...

Speed and Connectivity

CenturyLink 的互联网服务速度是多少?

CenturyLink 提供的互联网服务的速度根据您所在的位置和您选择的计划而有所不同。可用的速度范围...

CenturyLink 提供 Wi-Fi 服务吗?

是的,CenturyLink 为其客户提供 Wi-Fi 服务。借助 CenturyLink 的 Wi-Fi 服务,客户可以享受高速互联网...

使用 CenturyLink 互联网服务需要签订合同吗?

不需要,CenturyLink 互联网服务不需要合同。我们提供灵活的选项,允许客户在合同之间进行选择...

Bundle Packages

CenturyLink 是否提供包含电视和电话服务的捆绑套餐?

是的,CenturyLink 确实提供包含电视和电话服务的捆绑套餐。这些捆绑包让客户可以方便地...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 CenturyLink 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 CenturyLink 个问题



