
Care.com 客户常见问题解答


Care.com 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Care.com 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何更新我的 Care.com 帐户上的信息?

Care.com 是总部位于美国的顶级看护搜索服务之一。它提供了有关寻求护理者的广泛信息......



最近 Care.com 个客户问题

i am a member and have been for years - i have two emails and just posted a job using one and it's asking me to upgrade to get in touch with caregivers why? i have never had to do that

Care.com may require an upgrade to connect with caregivers after posting a job to ensure that the service remains valuable and secure for both caregivers and families. It helps maintain a balance between free and paid services, as well as provide better tools and support for members seeking caregivers. If you have any concerns about your membership or billing, we suggest reviewing the options available within your account settings.
询问时间:Dec 30, 2024 3:57 PM

I want to cancel my Care.com account

To cancel your Care.com account, you can do so by logging into your account settings. Follow the instructions to deactivate your account. Make sure to review any cancellation policies or guidelines that may apply. If needed, you can also find the option to cancel your membership directly within your account settings.
询问时间:Nov 29, 2024 5:09 PM

I have repeatedly trying to get in touch with your company I am trying to reinstate my membership I paid for it. But I still can't get access to my account I would like to speak to someone directly

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble. To reinstate your membership, you'll need to log into your account on the Care.com website. If you're having difficulty accessing your account, try resetting your password using your registered email address. If you're still facing issues, the quickest way to reach Care.com's support team is through the contact link on the page you're currently on. They will be able to assist and guide you to resolve the issue most effectively. We hope this issue is resolved promptly for you.
询问时间:Jun 11, 2024 1:53 PM

Hello! I made a profile on caregiver app but clients cant find my profile on care.com. whats is happening?

It could be that your profile is still under review. Care.com reviews all caregiver profiles before they appear in searches to ensure safety and quality. It can take a few days for your profile to be reviewed and approved. If you've waited and still can't be found, make sure all sections of your profile are complete, including your background check. Profiles without these completed may not show up in searches. If everything is in order and you're still having issues, it's possible there might be a technical problem, manual checks by Care.com, or a demographic issue like fewer people searching for caregivers in your area.
询问时间:Jun 5, 2024 3:56 AM

1. I am unable to submit my availability on the "reoccuring availability page. I type everything in, hit "submit" but nothing happens and it never submits.

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble submitting your availability. There could be a few reasons for this issue. First, make sure that all the required fields are filled out before you hit "submit". If all fields are filled and it's still not working, try clearing your browser's cache and cookies. This often solves most issues. If you're using a mobile device, try using a computer instead, or vice versa. If the problem persists, it could be related to a temporary site issue or maintenance. Make sure to try again in a few hours.
询问时间:Apr 22, 2024 6:53 PM


Report and Refund

我如何向 Care.com 举报某人?

如果您对通过 Care.com 找到的看护者不满意,您可以采取一些步骤进行举报。你...


Care.com 提供灵活的付款方式,包括按月、按季度和按年。年度订阅者可预付全年费用...

Account Management

如何更新我的 Care.com 帐户上的信息?

Care.com 是总部位于美国的顶级看护搜索服务之一。它提供了有关寻求护理者的广泛信息......




Care.com 用户可以在取消任何订阅后,在网页或移动应用程序(仅限 iOS)上关闭其护理人员帐户。护理人员...

Application Process

提交后如何查看我的 Care.com 申请?

Care.com 是一家为需要护理服务的家庭与安全可靠地提供服务的合格护理人员牵线搭桥的公司。

Safety Measures

Care.com 采取哪些安全预防措施来确保护理人员和护理接受者的福祉?

在 Care.com,我们优先考虑护理人员和护理接受者的福祉和安全。为了确保这一点,我们实施了多项...

Background Checks

Care.com 对护理人员进行哪些类型的背景调查?

Care.com 对护理人员进行全面的背景调查,以确保我们会员的安全。我们的筛选过程包括...

Payment Methods

Care.com 接受哪些付款方式?

Care.com接受多种付款方式,以方便用户。该平台支持主要信用卡,如 Visa、Mastercard、...

Age Requirement

使用 Care.com 有最低年龄要求吗?

是的,使用 Care.com 有最低年龄要求。用户必须年满 18 岁才能创建帐户并访问服务...


使用 Care.com 需要支付任何费用吗?

是的,使用 Care.com 需要付费。 Care.com 提供免费的基本会员资格,允许您创建个人资料,...

Job Listing Information


为了吸引合适的护理人员,必须在 Care.com 上的职位列表中包含全面且准确的信息......

Qualifications Search

我可以在 Care.com 上搜索具有特定资格或认证的护理人员吗?

是的,您可以在 Care.com 上搜索具有特定资格或认证的护理人员。 Care.com 提供高级搜索过滤器、...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Care.com 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Care.com 个问题

