
Playstation 客户常见问题解答


Playstation 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Playstation 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何在我的 Playstation 帐户上重置家长控制密码?

随着越来越多的家庭拥有 PlayStation 游戏机,越来越多的家长询问如何防止孩子看到不适当的内容,同时...

如何使用 Playstation 编辑我的信用卡信息?

本指南将引导用户了解如何在 PlayStation Store 帐户中删除和添加信用卡等付款方式。...

最近 Playstation 个客户问题

I don’t know how to put a custom amount of money in the ps5 wallet

To add a custom amount of money to your PS5 wallet, you need to go to the PlayStation Store. After selecting your account, choose "Add Funds" or "Add Money." You'll then see options to add specific amounts. If you want a custom amount that isn't listed, you typically have to purchase a gift card or add funds through other payment methods, then manually enter the desired amount. Please ensure you have a valid payment method linked to your account.
询问时间:Jan 7, 2025 2:27 PM

how do i add funds to my wallet

To add funds to your wallet, go to the PlayStation Store on your console or through a web browser. Select your account icon and choose "Add Funds" or "Your Wallet." You can select a preset amount or enter a custom amount. Follow the prompts to complete your payment using a credit/debit card, PayPal, or PlayStation gift cards. Once the transaction is processed, the funds will be available in your wallet for use on purchases.
询问时间:Aug 29, 2024 2:14 AM

My PS5 won’t allow me to purchase PlayStation plus, but it allowed me to buy a separate game

Possible issues could be a temporary network or server error, an issue with your payment method, or a restriction on your account due to age settings, if the account is for a minor. First, check your internet connection and make sure it's stable. Then, ensure your payment information is up-to-date and correct. If errors persist, it's possible your account may be restricted if it's recognized as a child account. Child accounts are prevented from making certain purchases, including PlayStation Plus. To change purchase settings for a child account, an adult account of the same family must change the purchase settings.
询问时间:Jun 12, 2024 11:30 PM

my credit card works but it says too many failed attempts

It's quite likely that due to multiple unsuccessful attempts, your account has temporarily been locked as a safety measure. Usually, this lock is lifted automatically after 24 hours. Please wait for that period then try again. Ensure your credit card information is entered correctly, especially the billing address, which should match what your bank has on file. If the problem persists after 24 hours, it might be due to other issues such as insufficient funds or an issue with the bank.
询问时间:Apr 8, 2024 6:32 PM

Error code ce-30359-0 wont let me play my game at all

We're sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue. The error code CE-30359-0 on your Playstation console generally indicates a hardware failure. This is usually related to your Hard Disk Drive (HDD). If you haven't tried already, restarting your system could fix the issue. If the problem persists, you may need to back up your data and initialize your PS4 to reinstall its system software. Initializing your PS4 will delete all user data and restore the console to its original settings. If that still doesn't solve the issue, it's possible your HDD may be failing and need replacement.
询问时间:Apr 6, 2024 5:40 AM


Password and Account Management

如何在我的 Playstation 帐户上重置家长控制密码?

随着越来越多的家庭拥有 PlayStation 游戏机,越来越多的家长询问如何防止孩子看到不适当的内容,同时...

如何使用 Playstation 编辑我的信用卡信息?

本指南将引导用户了解如何在 PlayStation Store 帐户中删除和添加信用卡等付款方式。...


本指南提供了在您忘记密码或登录 ID 时重新获得 PlayStation Network (PSN) 帐户访问权限的步骤。开始...

如何使我的Sony Playstation帐户不受限制?

每当您注册 PlayStation 帐户时,即表示您同意遵守其服务条款和社区行为。如果你违反...

Customer Support

如何与 Playstation 客户服务代表交谈?

总之,当您遇到 PlayStation 问题时,不必停止游戏。联系客户支持代表...

Ordering and Returns

如何从 Playstation 取消预购游戏?

本指南解释了 PlayStation 对预订内容(包括游戏)的退款和取消政策。用户仅限退款...

如何订购 Playstation 黑色星期五活动?



黑色星期五是以实惠的价格购买 PlayStation 的好时机,因为许多零售商在这一天都会提供折扣。到...


您可以通过查看 PlayStation 的网站找到网络星期一优惠。此次活动让您购买时享受超值折扣...




这篇简单的文章概述了 Playstation 客户如何退回黑色星期五购买的商品。如果您最近购买了一件商品...


本指南解释了网络星期一 Playstation 客户如何退货。如果您从 Playstation 购买了物品...


要从 PlayStation 商店申请退款,请首先通过检查 PlayStation 上的退款政策来确定您是否符合资格...

Account Security

如何从我的 Playstation 帐户中停用所有设备?

本指南提供了有关如何一次停用所有 PlayStation 设备或一次停用一台 PlayStation 设备的详细说明。如果发生...


当您的 PlayStation 帐户遭到黑客攻击时,您可能会感到自己容易受到未经授权的收费以及个人信息被更改……

Payments and Subscriptions


如果您的 PlayStation 帐户因未付款而被暂停,您可以采取一些步骤来重新激活或恢复您的帐户......

如何取消Playstation Plus订阅?

PlayStation Plus 高级会员资格允许用户从 PlayStation 商店串流 PS5 游戏及其个人收藏。取消...

Ban and Suspension Issues

我如何才能取消禁止我的Sony Playstation帐户?

当您的 Sony PlayStation 帐户收到禁令时,您就违反了用户协议中的规则。禁令的结果是……


创建 PlayStation Network 帐户时,用户同意遵守服务条款和社区行为准则。突破...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Playstation 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Playstation 个问题


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