Experian 加州公司办事处


Experian California Corporate Offices 个数字

呼叫 California Corporate Offices·查看主要电话号码和联系信息

我如何通过这个 Experian 号码与人工通话?


这个电话号码是 24 小时全天候运作的吗?

A:否。此电话号码的服务时间为Mon-Fri 8am-5pm PST。 最不繁忙的一天是 Monday,最繁忙的一天是 Tuesday。 请参阅下文以了解更多信息并了解这些数据的来源。

我要等多久才能与Experian California Corporate Offices 通话?

A:平均等待时间为21分钟。 最长的保持时间为 Friday,最短的保持时间为 Monday。


这是8个电话号码中排名第4最受欢迎的Experian个电话号码。点击上方可返回主要客户服务号码和其他联系信息,包括Experian电子邮件地址、Twitter 帐号和实时聊天选项。



主要电话号码 · 免费 · Mon-Fri 8am-5pm PST · Press 2 then 2 then 1 then 3 · Please say or enter your social security number.


免费 · Mon-Fri 6am-8pm, Sat 8am-5pm PST · Calling this Experian number should go right to a real human being · Please say or enter your social security number.


免费 · Mon-Fri 8am-5pm PST · After the menu, press 0 · If you know your party's extension, dial it now. For the company directory, press 1. For direct consumer sales, press 2. For employment verification, press 3. For customer support, press 5. For information regarding our address, press 6.


Mon-Fri 8am-5pm PST · Calling this Experian number should go right to a real human being · If you are calling about your personal credit information and would like to contact us by phone, hang up and dial 1-888-397-3742. If you are calling about product information, please go to our website at www.experian.com.


免费 · Mon- Fri 7am-7pm CST · Press 3 as soon as the message starts · For existing business clients with your subscriber code ready, if this is regarding your own personal credit account, to activate a fraud alert, file a dispute, or place a freeze on your personal account, press 1. For existing businesses with questions, press 2. For businesses interested in obtaining a consumer product or consumer lending, press 3. For business-to-business accounts or to use business IQ products, press 4. For monthly statements, making a payment, or account balance, press 5. For auto check or auto count clients, press 6.


免费 · Mon-Fri 8am-5pm PST · Call this number if you believe your information has been used for fraud · Please say or enter your social security number.


免费 · Mon-Sat 7am-8pm, Sun 7am-7pm CST · Direct to a human · For technical support center, consumers calling about their own personal accounts, press 2. For new or existing business clients needing technical assistance with their business account, press 3. To repeat this menu, press 4.


GetHuman 的研究人员经常拨打这个 Experian 电话号码来记录电话系统。
以下是我们最新的技巧,可帮助您在电话菜单中最快找到真人: Press 3 as soon as the message starts OR Press 0
以下是我们的研究团队对Experian电话系统问候方式的描述: For consumers, press 1. For clients, press 2.


Experian 负责运营此 714-830-7000 电话号码 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm PT 的呼叫中心。 简短的回答是您应该调用 Monday。 这一观察结果和下一节均基于对过去 90 天内使用我们的免费网络电话拨打的一组 43,159 通电话样本的分析(见上文)。
当我们提到繁忙或非繁忙时段时,我们指的是通话量。最繁忙的时段是拨打此 Experian 电话号码的人最多的时段(非繁忙时段拨打的人较少)。通话量高并不一定意味着您拨打电话时需要等待很长时间。像 Experian 这样的公司会根据一天中的时间和一周中的日期来安排不同的呼叫中心人员,因此在最繁忙的时段,您可能会遇到较短的等待时间。当我们提到最佳通话时间时,我们指的是较低通话量和较短等待时间的最佳组合。


拨打 Experian 最不繁忙的一天是 Monday。 最繁忙的通话日是Tuesday。 再次强调,这是基于过去 90 天内使用我们的 AI 网络电话拨打的 43,159 个电话的样本。


我们测量了最短保持时间为 Monday。 队列中等待时间最长的平均时间为 Friday。


总而言之,致电 Experian 的最佳日子是 Monday。 在这种情况下,这是显而易见的。Monday不仅是拨打此Experian号码最不繁忙的一天,而且也是等待时间最短的一天。

拨打此 Experian 客户号码

Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Dec 29, 2023

This phone number sets up an immediate choke point for customers, as you can't use it at all unless you're willing to provide personal details. When you call Experian, you're brought to a menu where you can choose whether you're looking for help with your personal credit account or your business account.

Here, I opted for assistance with a personal account, and immediately ran into the choke point. The system asked me to establish my identity by entering my Social Security number. Given the nature of this call, I was unwilling to do that, but had no way to get around it. With no real option to proceed, I hung up at that point.

Given the nature of what Experian does, I prefer that there's a choke point here. This isn't a number where you want people to be wasting time, given that people who call this number are in need of assistance with their credit reports. When someone calls this number, it's usually a stressful situation because they've found something wrong with their credit report and need to get it checked out.

Additionally, the people who call this number are trusting the people on the other end of the line with incredibly sensitive information. A credit report needs to have the utmost protection in order to prevent it falling into the wrong hands, and Experian's system does a good job keeping this information as protected as possible.

There isn't going to be much reason for someone to call this number unless they need specific help with their credit report. With some companies, you might have a reason to call for information, but there's really no way to call Experian for information unless it's about your own credit report. As such, even if you're trying to make a call for basic information, it makes complete sense to keep this information well protected.

Obviously, I cannot give a complete picture of what calling this number is like with this choke point in place. What I can say is that it seems that Experian takes data security seriously and protects the information of everyone's credit history as best as it can. There's no way to get to someone without entering your personal information, and trying to trick the system by stalling out doesn't do you any good. You cannot get to a representative without entering your genuine information.

I cannot say for sure what the customer service is like from Experian, but given how seriously it takes customer security, I would feel comfortable using this number if I had a question with my credit report.

Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.