
StubHub 客户常见问题解答


StubHub 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 StubHub 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

我可以在不创建帐户的情况下在 StubHub 上购买门票吗?

不可以,您必须创建一个帐户才能在 StubHub 上购买门票。创建帐户可确保安全可靠的购票过程......

StubHub 对于倒票行为的政策是什么?

StubHub 针对倒票行为的政策明确且直接。他们严格禁止倒票行为,这指的是......

最近 StubHub 个客户问题

how do i speak to seller services in the united states?

On StubHub, you're not able to directly contact individual sellers due to privacy regulations. Instead, all transactions, communications, and customer services issues are handled by StubHub itself. If you need assistance, you can reach out to StubHub's customer service via their help center online or by phone. They handle all communications between buyers and sellers and will make sure that all your concerns or queries are addressed.
询问时间:Apr 3, 2024 2:02 AM

I paid $1000 per ticket for the Rolling Stones for May 23, 2024. Why are they now listed for $200

Ticket prices on StubHub can fluctuate because they are set by independent sellers, not StubHub itself. A variety of factors can influence ticket pricing, including supply and demand, the time until the event, and the original cost of the ticket. As the event date approaches, some sellers may lower their prices in order to ensure the tickets are sold. This could be why you're noticing a decrease in price now. Please remember, once a ticket is purchased, the amount paid cannot be adjusted if prices change. It's always a good idea to monitor the market and purchase when you feel comfortable with the price.
询问时间:Mar 28, 2024 8:34 PM

Where are my tickets? Bestellnr. 594228379

We're sorry, but as an online platform, we don't have access to individual order information or ticket locations. Typically, after purchasing tickets on StubHub, they are delivered electronically and located in your StubHub account under 'My tickets.' If you're having trouble finding them, please sign into your StubHub account and check your ticket status and delivery method in 'My tickets.' If you still can't locate your tickets, or if there continues to be a problem, it's best to directly contact StubHub's customer service for assistance.
询问时间:Mar 15, 2024 3:07 PM

Traveling for concert and tickets haven’t been sent yet.

We understand that not receiving your tickets can be quite concerning, especially when you're traveling. Delivery deadlines vary, and some tickets may only become available close to the event date. This is usually because the ticket seller might be waiting them from the event or directly from the artist’s management. Rest assured that you should receive your tickets before the event. If not, we highly recommend getting in touch with StubHub's customer service as soon as possible so they can assist in ensuring you receive your tickets in time for your event.
询问时间:Mar 3, 2024 12:50 PM


Support Contact

关于欺诈性收费,如何联系 StubHub.com 的支持人员?

在 StubHub 上遭受欺诈的消费者有多种选择。最快、最有效的支持形式...

Refund Process

如何让 StubHub 退还费用?

如果您最近通过 StubHub 购买了门票并需要退还费用,请按照此处列出的步骤快速获得批准...

Order Issues

如果我错过了 StubHub 订单怎么办?


Fraud Protection

StubHub 如何保护买家免受欺诈门票的侵害?

StubHub 通过实施多项针对欺诈门票的保护措施,优先考虑买家的安全和满意度......

Ticket Name Change

我可以更改 StubHub 门票上的姓名吗?

不可以,您无法更改 StubHub 门票上的姓名。 StubHub 是一个转售市场,卖家可以在其中列出活动门票......

Refund Policy

StubHub 对于取消活动的退款政策是什么?

StubHub 针对取消活动的退款政策可确保客户获得门票价格(包括费用)的全额退款...

Account Creation

我可以在不创建帐户的情况下在 StubHub 上购买门票吗?

不可以,您必须创建一个帐户才能在 StubHub 上购买门票。创建帐户可确保安全可靠的购票过程......

Payment Methods

StubHub 接受哪些付款方式?

StubHub 接受各种支付方式,为用户提供灵活性和便利性。您可以使用以下方式在 StubHub 上进行购买:

Scalping Policy

StubHub 对于倒票行为的政策是什么?

StubHub 针对倒票行为的政策明确且直接。他们严格禁止倒票行为,这指的是......

