
PoshMark 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 PoshMark 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何恢复对我的 PoshMark 帐户的访问权限?

Poshmark 用户可能会因多种原因失去对其帐户的访问权限。通过这些有用的提示,您可以重新访问您的...

我在 PoshMark 上销售的商品有任何限制吗?

是的,您可以在 Poshmark 上销售的商品有一些限制。该平台允许用户出售新的或二手的衣服、鞋子……

最近 PoshMark 个客户问题

I haven't received the upcycle gucci hat

If you have not received your Gucci hat, please check the tracking information provided with your purchase. If the item is marked as delivered but you have not received it, it might be a good idea to check with neighbours or your local postal service. Remember, after you buy an item on Poshmark, it should be shipped within 2 days and arrive within 7 days. If it has been longer than that, you can open up a case with Poshmark for a delayed shipment. Always save your emails and receipts as they can be useful in resolving the issue.
询问时间:Jun 12, 2024 11:07 AM

I've reached the $600 limit which requires poshmark to they need my tax information. I've inputted my information just like it shows with the IRS and they're saying it's wrong. I now can't sell anything...

We're sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with inputting your tax information. If Poshmark is saying the information is incorrect, it most likely means that there's a mismatch between the data you've entered and the data the IRS has on file. It's essential to input your legal name, address, and social security number exactly as they appear on your tax documents. Special characters or abbreviated names can often cause issues. Ensure that you're entering the correct information and check for any small mistakes. If the problem persists, you might wish to contact the IRS directly for help in understanding how your information is listed with them.
询问时间:May 22, 2024 1:44 PM

How can I get into my account if locked

If you find your Poshmark account locked, try resetting your password. You can do so by clicking 'Forgot password' on the login page, then follow the instructions sent to your email. Be sure to check your spam or junk folders if the email doesn't appear in your inbox. If this doesn't work, you've viewed the most up-to-date contact information here on Poshmark's support page to contact Poshmark directly for further assistance. Please remember not to share sensitive personal details or password information through email or any unauthenticated dialogues for your online safety.
询问时间:May 14, 2024 4:34 PM

I am not receiving shipping labels

If you're not receiving shipping labels from PoshMark, first ensure that your email address is correctly entered in your account settings. If it's correct, check your email's spam or junk folder as the email with the label might have been filtered there. Sometimes, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) can block emails, so try adding PoshMark as a safe sender. If you're still having trouble, go to your sold items and select 'Need New Shipping Label' to have a new one emailed to you.
询问时间:May 13, 2024 11:03 PM

I cannot get poshmark to respond to my emails re trying to purchase or bid on items for weeks now

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble reaching out to PoshMark. It's important to note that PoshMark's customer service team may experience high volumes of inquiries, which can cause delays in response time. Please ensure your email contains all necessary information such as your username, the issue you're having, and any supporting evidence that may speed up the process. For urgent matters, you can also try to reach out through PoshMark's social media channels as sometimes they can facilitate faster responses. Please remember, purchasing or bidding for items can only be done through the PoshMark app or website to ensure your transactions are secure.
询问时间:Apr 30, 2024 11:31 PM


Ordering and Returns

如何使用 PoshMark 跟踪订单?

Poshmark 卖家通常会在几天内发货,但可能会出现延迟。超过 500 美元的订单将被送往总部进行真伪验证...

如何将订单退回 PoshMark?

Poshmark 为新货和二手商品提供简化的购物体验,并由 Posh Protect 和 Authenticate 等系统提供支持......

我如何从 PoshMark 获得退款?

Poshmark 通过连接时尚和奢侈品的买家和卖家,改变了时尚购物行业。为了获得退款,...

我可以取消 PoshMark 上的订单吗?

是的,您可以取消 PoshMark 上的订单。但是,需要记住某些条件和限制。如果您是买家,...

Account Management

如何恢复对我的 PoshMark 帐户的访问权限?

Poshmark 用户可能会因多种原因失去对其帐户的访问权限。通过这些有用的提示,您可以重新访问您的...

PoshMark Features

什么是 Posh Credits 以及如何使用它们?

Posh Credits 是 Poshmark 上的虚拟货币,可用于在应用程序内进行购买。它本质上是一种应用内支付...

PoshMark 接受哪些付款方式?

PoshMark 接受多种支付方式,以确保买家和卖家的无缝交易。目前,该平台接受所有...

PoshMark 的购买价格中包含运费吗?

不,Poshmark 的购买价格不包含运费。买家负责单独支付运费。波什马克...

什么是 Posh Protect 以及它如何工作?

Posh Protect 是时尚及配饰市场 Poshmark 提供的买家保护计划。它确保买家收到...

我在 PoshMark 上销售的商品有任何限制吗?

是的,您可以在 Poshmark 上销售的商品有一些限制。该平台允许用户出售新的或二手的衣服、鞋子……

