
Instacart 客户常见问题解答


Instacart 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Instacart 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

我可以对 Instacart 上的订单进行定制或提出特殊要求吗?

是的,Instacart 允许客户定制订单并提出特殊要求。在订购过程中,客户...

最近 Instacart 个客户问题

Why am I receiving a text message from instacart about an order I never placed and the order is being dlivered to my old address?to my old a

If you’re receiving text messages about an order you didn’t place, it’s possible someone may have used your account or contact information by mistake. Check your account for unauthorized orders, change your password, and contact Instacart immediately to report the issue and secure your account.
询问时间:Jul 10, 2024 12:09 AM

Account recovery when I forgot my old phone number

If you've forgotten your old phone number and can't access your Instacart account, you can still recover it using your email address. Go to the login screen and click on 'Forgot your password'. Then, enter your email address associated with your Instacart account. You'll then receive an email with a link to reset your password. After setting a new password, you can log in using that new password along with your email address. Additionally, please reach out to the Instacart customer service for any additional help with account recovery.
询问时间:Apr 10, 2024 12:57 PM

Why does everything I try to access redirect to the help topics page

This typically occurs when there are issues with your account or internet connection. Ensure you are properly logged into your Instacart account, and that your internet connection is stable. Clearing your browser's cache and cookies, or trying a different web browser can also help. If you're using the app, make sure it's updated to the latest version. If the issue continues, it might be a problem at Instacart's end. Try again after a short while. If the problem persists, get in touch with Instacart's support team.
询问时间:Apr 7, 2024 9:34 PM

missing items ordered 6 duraflame logs and only received 1

We're sorry to hear about the missing items from your order. If you have not received some of your items, you can report the issue directly in the Instacart app. Go to the Help section, select the order that's missing items, and then report the missing items. Instacart will typically refund you for the items that were not delivered. If necessary, you may also opt to reorder those items. Keep in mind, availability may vary depending on your local store's stock.
询问时间:Mar 24, 2024 9:40 PM

how do i get a copy of my contract as a shopper

As a shopper with Instacart, your agreement should have been made available to you when you first signed on. If you need another copy, you can find this information directly in your Instacart Shopper app. You need to go to your profile and then to the documents section. There, you will find shopper agreements and other important documents to review. Be sure to follow any specific instructions to download or print your contract. If it's not available, please reach out directly to Instacart's support.
询问时间:Mar 13, 2024 4:31 PM


Refunds and Returns


如果您的 Instacart 订单存在问题,您可能有资格获得退款。要开始该过程,请转到“您的订单”页面,...

Instacart 的退货政策是什么?

Instacart 的退货政策旨在确保客户满意度。如果您对订单不满意,可以在...内发起退货。

Order Issues


Instacart 提供快速送货服务,但订单可能会出现问题。要报告问题,请转到“您的订单”部分,找到...

Service Overview

Instacart 是如何运作的?

Instacart 是一种按需杂货配送服务,可将客户与私人购物者无缝连接起来。要使用该服务,...

Payment Methods

Instacart 接受哪些付款方式?

Instacart 接受各种付款方式,为客户提供灵活性和便利性。您可以使用以下方式支付订单...

Coupons and Promos

我可以在 Instacart 上使用优惠券或促销代码吗?

是的,Instacart 允许您使用优惠券和促销代码来节省订单费用。您可以轻松应用优惠券和促销代码...

Minimum Order

Instacart 上有最低订单金额吗?

是的,Instacart 上有最低订单价值。最低订单价值可能会有所不同,具体取决于您所在的位置和特定商店...

Delivery Time

我可以在 Instacart 上安排具体的送货时间吗?

是的,您可以在 Instacart 上安排具体的交货时间。将所有商品添加到购物车并继续检查后...

Membership Fees

使用 Instacart 需要缴纳会员费吗?

不需要,使用 Instacart 无需缴纳会员费。 Instacart 提供免费选项和名为 Instacart Express 的付费选项。...

Alcohol Delivery

你们通过 Instacart 运送酒精吗?

是的,Instacart 确实在某些地区提供酒精饮料配送服务。但是,可用性可能会因当地法律和法规而异......


我可以对 Instacart 上的订单进行定制或提出特殊要求吗?

是的,Instacart 允许客户定制订单并提出特殊要求。在订购过程中,客户...

