
Experian 客户常见问题解答


Experian 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Experian 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何向我的 Experian 账户添加安全冻结?

安全冻结是保护您的 Experian 帐户免遭欺诈和身份盗窃的好方法。通过添加安全冻结,您可以...


Experian 提供信用报告、信用监控和其他服务。要恢复您的帐户,请访问忘记密码页面并...

最近 Experian 个客户问题

I am paying $25.99 /month for experience fraud and identity monitoring service. I want to cancel but am unable to access the account online. The charge is on my credit card every month. How can I cancel?

You can cancel your Experian identity monitoring service by following the cancellation instructions provided in your account settings. If you are unable to access your account online, the most up-to-date contact information for assistance is available right here on this page.
询问时间:Mar 18, 2025 6:43 PM

Unable to access my account. I activated 2-step security, but my registered phone number is no longer valid. I don’t get pin to my present phone number.

If you're unable to access your account due to changes in your registered phone number for 2-step security, please follow the steps provided in the account recovery options on the login page. You might find alternatives for verifying your identity or updating your contact information. If you still encounter issues, there is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page.
询问时间:Mar 8, 2025 6:35 PM

how can i change my phone number for experian account

To change your phone number for your Experian account, you can typically do this within your account settings. Log into your Experian account, navigate to your profile or account settings, and look for the option to update your contact information. Follow the prompts to enter your new phone number. Make sure to save the changes before exiting.
询问时间:Mar 5, 2025 9:41 PM

I am contacting experience because I'm having issues logging into my account I've tried to go through the password reset process but it's not allowing me to so I need to speak to an actual human to give me log back into my account!

There is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page that you are viewing. Please check that link for assistance in getting your account access issues resolved.
询问时间:Jan 15, 2025 12:34 AM

I don't have access to phone number associated with my Experian account

We understand that not having access to your phone number can be challenging. You can follow the steps on the Experian website to verify your identity through other methods, such as email verification or answering security questions associated with your account. Ensuring your information is up to date helps maintain your account's security.
询问时间:Oct 16, 2024 9:17 PM


Security Freeze

如何向我的 Experian 账户添加安全冻结?

安全冻结是保护您的 Experian 帐户免遭欺诈和身份盗窃的好方法。通过添加安全冻结,您可以...


对您的 Experian 帐户进行安全冻结可防止欺诈和盗窃,但可能会妨碍预先批准的优惠。解除冻结...

Customer Service


由于 Experian 为个人和企业处理大大小小的信贷事务,因此有多种......

Disputing Information


Experian 是美国一家大型信用局,负责编制贷方使用的信用报告。错误(例如不正确的个人信息或...

Experian 需要多长时间才能从我的信用报告中删除有争议的项目?

Experian 从您的信用报告中删除有争议的项目所需的时间可能会因多种因素而异。平均而言,一旦提交争议,益百利就会启动调查,其中包括联系数据提供者并验证信息的准确性。如果债权人确认错误或未能在规定期限内回复,益百利将相应删除或更正争议项目。为确保流程顺利进行,请在对项目提出争议时提供完整且准确的信息。此外,定期监控您的信用报告并及时对任何错误提出异议可以帮助加快解决过程......



要取消您的 Experian 订阅,请访问网站并导航至“支持”部分。找到“Experian 客户支持”...

Account Access


Experian 提供信用报告、信用监控和其他服务。要恢复您的帐户,请访问忘记密码页面并...



Experian 是一家信用报告机构,提供信用评分和报告。客户可能需要因意外收费、未经授权的收费或信用卡费用退款。
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Experian 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Experian 个问题

