Direct Express 客户常见问题解答
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最近 Direct Express 个客户问题
Replace a lost card while traveling
To replace a lost Direct Express card while traveling, you should first report the loss to Direct Express. They will assist you in getting a replacement card sent to your current location. Ensure that you have your account information available when you make the report. A temporary card may be issued to provide you with access to your funds while the replacement is being processed.
I didnt recieve my direct xpress this month or someone stole it
If you did not receive your Direct Express card this month or suspect it has been stolen, it’s important to report it immediately. You can block your card to prevent unauthorized use and request a replacement card. There is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page for your convenience.
Can't make payments with card it's starting to get declined
If your Direct Express card is being declined, it may be due to insufficient funds, a hold on your account, or a temporary issue with the merchant. Ensure that your card balance covers the transaction amount and verify that your account is in good standing. You can also check if there are any restrictions placed on your card. If the problem persists, there is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page to get further assistance.
My card is frozen I was told it would be unfrozen yesterday but it's not
If your Direct Express card is frozen and it was supposed to be unfrozen yesterday, there may be a processing delay. Please check the status of your card directly through the appropriate channels provided on this page.
I found my card but deactivated it because i thought it was lost now i need to reauthorize it
To reauthorize your card, you will need to contact Direct Express using the link to the most up-to-date contact information provided on this page. They can guide you through the process of reactivating your card.
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