Assurance Wireless 客户常见问题解答


Assurance Wireless 的电话号码是多少?

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Assurance Wireless 允许您检查短信历史记录。即使您无法查看短信内容,您...


如果您需要恢复 Assurance Wireless 语音信箱密码,您有两种选择。您可以向客服寻求帮助...
询问有关Assurance Wireless客户服务的任何问题,立即获得答案。

最近 Assurance Wireless 个客户问题

How do I Port my phone number

To port your phone number to Assurance Wireless, you need to provide your current carrier’s account number, a PIN or password (if applicable), and your personal information to verify your identity. You can initiate the porting process during the application for service or by contacting Assurance Wireless customer service. The process may take a few hours to a few days, depending on your current carrier. Ensure your current service is active until the porting is complete to avoid interruptions.
询问时间:Dec 29, 2024 5:07 AM

How do I port my phone number to assurance wireless

To port your phone number to Assurance Wireless, you need to provide your current carrier's account number and PIN, as well as the number you want to port. Ensure that your number is active with your current provider. You can start the porting process by enrolling in Assurance Wireless through the application or online. It’s important to keep your current service active until the porting is complete to avoid any disruption. After the request is submitted, it usually takes a few hours to a couple of days for the port to be completed.
询问时间:Dec 10, 2024 3:12 AM

Need help changing my address for application

To change your address for your Assurance Wireless application, please follow the instructions provided on their official website or in the application portal. There is typically a process for updating personal information, including your address.
询问时间:Nov 28, 2024 1:49 AM

My phone was stolen how do I get a new one sent to me with all my previous information that was on my old phone?

If your phone was stolen, you will need to report the theft to Assurance Wireless. They can assist you with getting a replacement phone. However, retrieving all your previous information depends on whether your data was backed up. If you had cloud services activated, your contacts, messages, and other data may have been saved. You can set up your new phone using your existing cloud account to restore your data. Keep in mind that you may need to provide proof of identity and details about your account.
询问时间:Nov 24, 2024 4:57 PM

please help me to check the status of my application

To check the status of your Assurance Wireless application, you can visit the Assurance Wireless website and log into your account. There you will find updates on the progress of your application.
询问时间:Aug 1, 2024 5:11 PM

帮助我解决Assurance Wireless客户服务问题

Blocking and Porting Numbers


Assurance Wireless 是一项基于 Virgin Mobile 网络的免费手机服务。您最多可以阻止来自十个电话号码的消息...

如何将我的号码移植到Assurance Wireless?

如果您是 Assurance Wireless 的新用户,您可能需要转移您的电话号码,以便您的朋友和家人可以联系到您...

Account Information


Assurance Wireless 允许您检查短信历史记录。即使您无法查看短信内容,您...


如果您需要恢复 Assurance Wireless 语音信箱密码,您有两种选择。您可以向客服寻求帮助...


如果您参加了 LifeLine 计划或任何其他政府福利计划并使用 Assurance Wireless 计划,您必须重新认证...

Activation and Replacement




这篇简短的文章将解释当您的 Assurance Wireless 手机被盗时应采取的正确步骤,并且您需要...


电话更换优惠是一项针对报告 Assurance Wireless 电话丢失或被盗的客户的计划。查看这些...

需要多长时间才能从 Assurance Wireless 收到替换手机?

从 Assurance Wireless 接收替换手机的时间范围可能有所不同。一旦更换手机的请求获得批准,...

Upgrades and Data Limits

有哪些可用选项可用于升级我的 Assurance Wireless 电话?

在 Assurance Wireless,我们提供多种手机升级选项,以确保您获得最佳的移动体验。首先,你...

我可以将自己的手机与 Assurance Wireless 一起使用吗?

不可以,您不能使用自己的手机与 Assurance Wireless。 Assurance Wireless 为客户提供预装的免费电话...

如果我超出 Assurance Wireless 的数据限制会怎样?

如果您超出 Assurance Wireless 的数据限制,有几种可能的情况。首先,您可能会遇到...的减少
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