
Wayfair 客户常见问题解答


Wayfair 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Wayfair 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何解锁我的 Wayfair 帐户?

Wayfair 非常重视客户安全,当它检测到您的帐户存在可疑活动时,将会锁定该帐户。你学习你的...

我在哪里可以找到我的 Wayfair 帐号?

如果您尝试通过 Wayfair 跟踪订单、退货或取消订单,则需要您的帐号。最好的地方...

最近 Wayfair 个客户问题

Is there a store we can see the merchandise at?

Unfortunately, there are no physical Wayfair stores where you can see merchandise in person. Wayfair is primarily an online retailer, with a vast array of home goods products covering furniture, decor, appliances, and more. This allows them to offer a much broader selection than a typical physical store. All product details, dimensions, and images are provided on their website to help you make an informed purchase decision.
询问时间:Apr 29, 2024 10:25 AM

I just made a order but changed mind want to cancel

We understand that you've changed your mind. You can cancel your order on Wayfair if it hasn't been processed or shipped yet. Simply login to your account, go to 'My Orders' and select the order you wish to cancel. Click on 'Cancel Order'. If you can't see this option, it might be because your order is already being prepared for shipment or has been shipped. In such cases, you may not be able to cancel the order but you can usually return it once you've received it.
询问时间:Apr 17, 2024 2:25 AM

Wicker Loung says Assembled & it is not?

We apologize for any confusion, but sometimes the assembly status of certain products may vary. While the product page of your Wicker Loung may suggest that it comes assembled, it might require minor assembly at home, such as screwing on legs or attaching a backrest. In some cases, the item may be shipped in a way to prevent damage during transit, requiring assembly upon reception. If you're experiencing difficulty with assembly or the product did not come with necessary instructions or tools, please reach out to Wayfair's customer service for assistance.
询问时间:Apr 9, 2024 8:52 PM


Delivery Issues

我如何向 Wayfair 投诉延迟交货?

如果从 Wayfair 购买的商品未在预计送达日期到达,请登录您的帐户并检查运送是否...

当 Usps 的 Wayfair 送货丢失时,我该怎么办?


如何报告 Wayfair Delivery 的问题?

如果您对 Wayfair 送货有疑问,最好的做法是联系客户服务。客户服务代表...

Account Management

如何解锁我的 Wayfair 帐户?

Wayfair 非常重视客户安全,当它检测到您的帐户存在可疑活动时,将会锁定该帐户。你学习你的...

我在哪里可以找到我的 Wayfair 帐号?

如果您尝试通过 Wayfair 跟踪订单、退货或取消订单,则需要您的帐号。最好的地方...

是否可以合并两个 Wayfair 帐户?

目前还没有办法合并两个 Wayfair 帐户。但是,您可以删除您的帐户之一、转移任何积分或余额...

如何将 Wayfair 礼品卡转移到另一个帐户?

如果您有 Wayfair 礼品卡但不想使用它,您可以将余额转移到另一个帐户。可能有一些限制...

如果我没有领取 Wayfair 礼品卡,会发生什么?

如果您有无人认领的 Wayfair 礼品卡,通常可以通过联系零售商或州无人认领机构来索取该卡的价值。

Order Tracking


要跟踪您的 Wayfair 订单,请先转到网站主页。找到菜单,点击“帮助和联系”,然后点击“管理您的订单”。...

Refunds and Returns


本文介绍了从 Wayfair 购买商品获得退款的流程。 Wayfair 的退款政策如下:


在将任何商品退还给 Wayfair 卖家之前,了解 Wayfair 的退货政策非常重要。阅读这些有用的提示...

Order Management




在 Wayfair 网站上订购商品非常简单。然而,情况可能会发生变化,可能会导致您想要更改订单......



您可能想向 Wayfair 提出投诉的原因有很多。这些有用的提示可以帮助您提出投诉......
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