
Grubhub 客户常见问题解答


Grubhub 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Grubhub 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。


使用 Grubhub 是将食物送到您家门口的便捷方式。 Grubhub 应用程序用户友好,并且可在...


GrubHub 的网站上列出了各种各样的餐厅,您可以从中订购食物并让 GrubHub 送货给您。如果...

最近 Grubhub 个客户问题

Does GrubHub require a driver working for them to have health insurance?

No, Grubhub does not require its drivers to have health insurance. However, as independent contractors, Grubhub drivers are responsible for their own health insurance. It's important for drivers to consider their personal health insurance needs when deciding to work as an independent contractor for Grubhub. Please note, this also applies to taxes and potential vehicle repairs, as all of these expenses are managed by the contractors themselves, not Grubhub.
询问时间:Apr 23, 2024 4:54 PM

We ordered a delivery but it is scheduled for pick up

If your Grubhub order is showing as 'pick up' but you intended it to be a 'delivery', it means there might have been a mistake while placing the order. Unfortunately, once an order is placed, its type cannot be changed due to restaurant policies and preparing time. We suggest, in such a case, to either pick up the order from the restaurant yourself, or place a new order correctly specifying the delivery. Always make sure to double check your preferences before finalizing your order to avoid such issues.
询问时间:Mar 31, 2024 12:12 AM

I have Grubhub but I am having problems using my credit and debit cards for delivery orders online. This has been going on for a while. What can I do to get the debit and credit cards accepted?

This may be due to several reasons. The first thing to do is make sure that your card information is correctly entered and up-to-date. Errors in the card's expiry date, CVV, or billing address can lead to issues during checkout. If your card details are correct, it would be helpful to check with your bank. Sometimes, your bank may have additional security measures that prevent unrecognized transactions. If you're still having trouble, consider using another method of payment available. Remember, Grubhub accepts multiple payment methods, including some major credit cards, certain gift cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, and Venmo.
询问时间:Mar 27, 2024 10:43 PM

Why does bank verification take do long?

Bank verification may take some time due to several reasons. It could be due to delays in transaction processing by the bank, necessary security checks, or the need to review certain transactions manually for verification. Grubhub uses bank verification to ensure a secure transaction environment for its users. It's important to note that the timeline can vary depending on the bank. Typically, it should be completed within a few business days, but sometimes it may take longer. This allows Grubhub to provide a secure environment for your transactions, helping to protect against fraud and unauthorized activity.
询问时间:Mar 26, 2024 9:45 PM

My order was delivered to the wrong address.

We're sorry to hear about this mishap. If your order was delivered to the wrong address, you should contact Grubhub immediately. Let them know what happened so they can help rectify the situation. Depending on the circumstances and Grubhub's policies, you may be eligible for a refund or redelivery. Remember to double-check your delivery address when placing orders in the future to avoid similar issues.
询问时间:Mar 11, 2024 5:02 PM


Gift Cards

如何查看我的 Grubhub 礼品卡余额?

Grubhub 销售各种实体和数字礼品卡。检查卡余额取决于您拥有的卡类型,但两者...

我如何向 Grubhub 申请礼品卡退款?

如果您使用 Grubhub 礼品卡下了送餐订单,但订单中包含缺少的商品或不正确的商品(或某些...

如何从 Grubhub 购买礼品卡?

Grubhub 礼品卡有实体和数字两种格式。它们永远不会过期,并且购买 Grubhub 无需支付任何费用......

如何向某人发送 Grubhub 礼品卡?

Grubhub 通过自己的网站销售礼品卡,或者您也可以通过亚马逊等第三方供应商订购礼品卡。可以刷卡...

我如何使用我的 Grubhub 礼品卡进行购买?

在网站或应用程序上购买商品时,您可以使用 Grubhub 实体礼品卡或数字卡。客户可以添加卡...

如果我的 Grubhub 礼品卡余额无法加载,我该怎么办?

如果您兑换了 Grubhub 礼品卡,但您的余额无法正常加载,则说明出现了问题。你应该想...

Orders and Delivery


要创建 Grubhub 帐户,您需要您的名字和姓氏以及电子邮件地址。然后您可以选择一个强密码来保护...


想要订单退款的 GrubHub 客户可以采取特定步骤来申请退款。他们可以致电 GrubHub 客户服务...


作为 GrubHub 客户,如果您的 GrubHub 交付丢失,您可以采取一些步骤。您可以随时联系 GrubHub...


有时,您可能会延迟收到 Grubhub 订单。延误可能是因为餐厅比其他地方更忙。


要确认 Grubhub 的状态,您可以留意 Grubhub 以电子邮件或短信形式发出的通知。也是...

Account Help


使用 Grubhub 是将食物送到您家门口的便捷方式。 Grubhub 应用程序用户友好,并且可在...


GrubHub 的网站上列出了各种各样的餐厅,您可以从中订购食物并让 GrubHub 送货给您。如果...

Service Locations


Grubhub 将餐厅与潜在顾客联系起来,并帮助顾客在舒适的家中或其他地方获得食物交付...

Driver and Delivery


Grubhub 可帮助您从附近的餐厅订购食物并将其送到您家门口。人们的一些原因...

Refunds and Time


如果 GrubHub 订单花费的时间太长,您可以向该公司要求退款。申请退款有两种方式:致电...

Payment Methods

Grubhub 接受哪些付款方式?

Grubhub 提供多种付款方式,让您轻松订餐。我们接受主要信用卡,例如 Visa、Mastercard、...

Future Deliveries

我可以在 Grubhub 上安排未来的交付吗?

是的,您可以在 Grubhub 上安排未来的交付。我们理解,有时您可能日程繁忙或只是想计划......