以下是我们最新的技巧,可帮助您在电话菜单中最快找到真人:Say, "I can't find it", then hold for the Representative.
以下是我们从 US Weekly Magazine 的电话菜单和提示中找到的一些片段,它们有助于让您了解拨打电话时会遇到的情况。我们还强调了它们的重要性:
"Thank you for calling Us Weekly customer service.
This call may be recorded for quality and training purposes.
Most common tasks can be handled on our website at my dot us magazine dot com.
For print subscriptions, press one.
For digital subscriptions, press two.
All agents are currently assisting other callers.
Please hold, and your call will be answered in the order it was received.
Your estimated wait time is currently less than one minute."
与 US Weekly Magazine 的通话摘录
Friday, March 29, 2024 9:39 PM
"Thank you for calling Us Weekly customer service.
This call may be recorded for quality and training purposes.
Most common tasks can be handled on our website at my dot us magazine dot com.
For print subscriptions, press one.
For digital subscriptions, press two."
与 US Weekly Magazine 的通话摘录
Friday, May 3, 2024 4:33 PM
"To expedite your request, please have your account number handy.
This can be found on your magazine mailing label or on the bill or renewal notice.
All agents are currently assisting other callers.
Please hold, and your call will be answered in the order it was received.
Your estimated wait time is currently less than seven minutes.
For digital subscriptions, press two.
If you are calling to order a new subscription, or a gift, press one."
与 US Weekly Magazine 的通话摘录
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 8:50 PM
US Weekly Magazine 负责运营此 800-283-3956 电话号码 24 hours, 7 days 的呼叫中心。简短的回答是您应该调用 Thursday。这一观察结果和下一节均基于对过去 90 天内使用我们的免费网络电话拨打的一组 316 通电话样本的分析(见上文)。
当我们提到繁忙或非繁忙时段时,我们指的是通话量。最繁忙的时段是拨打此 US Weekly Magazine 电话号码的人最多的时段(非繁忙时段拨打的人较少)。通话量高并不一定意味着您拨打电话时需要等待很长时间。像 US Weekly Magazine 这样的公司会根据一天中的时间和一周中的日期来安排不同的呼叫中心人员,因此在最繁忙的时段,您可能会遇到较短的等待时间。当我们提到最佳通话时间时,我们指的是较低通话量和较短等待时间的最佳组合。
拨打 US Weekly Magazine 最不繁忙的一天是 Sunday。最繁忙的一天是 Friday,相比之下,这一天平均通话量多 645%。再次强调,这是基于过去 90 天内使用我们的 AI 网络电话拨打的 316 个电话的样本。
Jeff truly believes that all customers deserve good service. He’s been building tools, inventing phone tree hacks and helping customers since before his days at GetHuman. He's also a Google GDE and involved in the Angular community.
客户为何致电US Weekly Magazine
如果您在致电 US Weekly Magazine 之前有时间阅读一些资料,我们建议您阅读一些针对具体问题的文章。
是的,《美国周刊》杂志有一个移动应用程序。通过手机应用程序,您可以随时随地享受最新的娱乐新闻和名人八卦。该应用程序提供了一个用户友好的界面,可让您轻松浏览文章、照片、视频和独家内容。通过突发新闻的推送通知,了解最新的名人故事、时尚趋势和流行文化新闻。该移动应用程序还提供各种功能,例如保存文章以供离线阅读、与朋友分享故事以及根据您的兴趣进行个性化推荐。因此,无论您是 iPhone 还是 Android 用户,您都可以从 App Store 或 Google Play Store 下载《美国周刊》杂志应用程序,轻松掌握娱乐新闻。