以下是我们最新的技巧,可帮助您在电话菜单中最快找到真人:Press 1 at 1st prompt. Then 9 at menu. Operator will say invalid selection. So press 0 a few more times and it will automatically transfer you to a human. No CB after business hours.
"You for calling the Drive EasyMD and EasyPass Maryland interactive voice response system.
To continue navigating this automated system using voice commands, say voice or press one.
To continue navigating this automated system using your phone keypad, say keypad or press two.
For the rest of this call, please choose your option from the phone keypad.
The Maryland Transportation Authority's tolling program servicing EZ Pass, pay by plate, and video toll customers now has new and additional automated phone options for your convenience.
For the lowest toll rates in Maryland and a savings of up to seventy seven percent, Sign up for an EZ Pass Maryland account.
If you have video tolls, and would like to take advantage of the EZ Pass Maryland discount, Speak to a customer service representative today.
You may choose one of the following options."
与 E-ZPass Maryland 的通话摘录
Monday, January 29, 2024 3:07 PM
"Thank you for calling the Drive EasyMD and EasyPass Maryland interactive voice system.
To continue navigating this automated system using voice commands, say voice or press one.
To continue navigating this automated system using your phone keypad, say keypad or for the rest of this call, please choose your option from the phone keypad.
The Maryland Transportation Authority's tolling program, servicing easy pass, pay by plate, and video toll customers now has new and additional automated phone options for your convenience.
For the lowest toll rates in Maryland and the savings of up to seventy seven percent, sign up for an EZ Pass Maryland account.
If you have video tolls and would like to take advantage of the EZ Pass Maryland discount, Speak to a customer service representative today.
You may choose one of the following options. Press one for video toll notice of toll due or violation citation.
Two for EZ Pass account.
Three for pay by plate, four for general information, To request an application, enter your mailing number using the keypad."
与 E-ZPass Maryland 的通话摘录
Thursday, January 4, 2024 3:09 PM
"You for calling the Drive EasyMD and EasyPath Maryland indirect
To continue navigating this automated system using voice commands, say voice or press one.
To continue navigating this automated system the Maryland Transportation Authority's tolling program servicing EZ Pass, pay by plate, and video toll customers now has new and additional automated phone options for your convenience.
For the lowest toll rates in Maryland and a savings of up to seventy seven percent, Sign up for an EZ Pass Maryland account.
If you have video tolls, and would like to take advantage of the EasyPass Maryland discounts, Speak to a customer service representative today.
Please tell me what are you calling about. You can say video toll notice of toll due or violation citation or press one."
与 E-ZPass Maryland 的通话摘录
Friday, March 29, 2024 1:43 PM
"You for
Calling the Drive EasyMD and EasyPath Maryland interactive voice response system.
To continue navigating this automated system, using voice commands, say voice or press one.
To continue navigating this automated system using your phone keypad, say keypad or press two."
与 E-ZPass Maryland 的通话摘录
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 7:26 PM
"The Maryland Transportation Authority's tolling program, servicing EZ Pass, pay by plate, and video toll customers now has new and additional automated phone options for your convenience.
For the lowest toll rates in Maryland and the savings of up to seventy seven percent, sign up for an EZ Pass Maryland account.
If you have video tolls and would like to take advantage of the EZ Pass Maryland discount, Speak to a customer service representative today.
Please tell me what are you calling about. You can say video toll notice of toll due or violation citation or press one.
EasyPass account or press two.
Pay by plate or press three.
General information or press four.
To request an application, say application or press five.
To speak to customer service, say agent or press nine."
与 E-ZPass Maryland 的通话摘录
Tuesday, January 2, 2024 8:40 PM
"For the rest of this call, please choose your option from the phone keypad.
The Maryland Transportation of Authority's tolling program servicing EZ Pass, pay by plate, and video toll customers now has new and additional automated phone options for your convenience.
For the lowest toll rates in Maryland and a savings of up to seventy seven percent, Sign up for an EZ Pass Maryland account.
If you have video tolls and would like to take advantage of the EZ Pass Maryland discounts, Speak to a customer service representative today.
You may choose one of the following options.
Press one for video toll notice of toll due or violations citation, two for EZ Pass account, three for pay by plate, four for general information.
To request an application, press five.
To speak to customer service, press nine, or press pound to hear the options again."