免费 · 24 hours, 7 days · Press 3 at the first menu. Can only check order status or reorder checks. Contact the Bank for any other questions. · What would you like to do? Get checks or get an order status.
免费 · Mon-Fri 6am-10pm, Sat 8am-4:30pm CST · Press 2 · Place an order, press 1. Info about products or services, press 2. Recently placed order status, press 3. For any other concerns, press 4. · 可用的免费工具:代我通话、无需等待、安排我的通话
GetHuman 的研究人员经常拨打这个 Deluxe Corp - Bank Checks 电话号码来记录电话系统。
以下是我们的研究团队对Deluxe Corp - Bank Checks电话系统问候方式的描述: What would you like to do? Get checks or get an order status.
以下是我们最新的技巧,可帮助您在电话菜单中最快找到真人:Press 3 at the first menu. Can only check order status or reorder checks. Contact the Bank for any other questions.
以下是我们从 Deluxe Corp - Bank Checks 的电话菜单和提示中找到的一些片段,它们有助于让您了解拨打电话时会遇到的情况。我们还强调了它们的重要性:
"Thank you for calling Deluxe.
What would you like to do? Order checks, or get an order status?
Alright. I'll need some information that you can find along the bottom of one of your checks or your reorder form.
The bank routing number is the nine digit number on the left between the two colons.
Please tell me the bank routing number."
与 Deluxe Corp - Bank Checks 的通话摘录
Thursday, September 19, 2024 8:36 PM
Deluxe Corp - Bank Checks 负责运营此 877-838-5287 电话号码 Mon-Fri 6am-10pm, Sat 8am-4:30pm CT 的呼叫中心。简短的回答是您应该调用 Friday。这一观察结果和下一节均基于对过去 90 天内使用我们的免费网络电话拨打的一组 70 通电话样本的分析(见上文)。
当您使用我们的免费 AI 电话拨打通话、等待或为您导航时,您还可以在他们开放且您方便的时候安排与 Deluxe Corp - Bank Checks 的通话。我们会在拨打电话之前确认您已准备就绪,以防万一。这意味着您可以提前“设置并忘记它”。