"Thank you for calling twenty three andMe, the leading personal genetic service.
This call is being recorded for training and quality purposes.
To learn more about our privacy practices, please read our privacy statement at w w w dot twenty three and me dot com slash about slash privacy.
Please listen to the following menu options carefully as some options may have changed.
If you have received your twenty three andMe results, press one.
If you have not yet received results, and have questions about your order or kit, press two."
与 23andMe 的通话摘录
Wednesday, February 7, 2024 3:09 PM
"Thank you for calling twenty three andMe, the leading personal genetic service.
This call is being recorded for training and quality purposes.
To learn more about our privacy practices, please read our privacy statement at w w w dot twenty three and me dot com slash about slash privacy.
Please listen to the following menu options carefully as some options may have changed.
If you have received your twenty three andMe results, press one.
If you have not yet received results and have questions about your order or kit, press two."
与 23andMe 的通话摘录
Thursday, January 2, 2025 10:12 PM
"If you have not yet If you have questions about accessing your twenty three andMe account, press one.
If you have questions about your results, press two."
与 23andMe 的通话摘录
Wednesday, February 7, 2024 3:09 PM
"If you have not for questions about your order, kit registration, or your sample status at the lab, press one.
For questions about the services we offer, such as our ancestry and health features, press two.
To return to the previous menu, press nine."
Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
是的,用户可以从 23andMe 访问和下载他们的原始 DNA 数据。此功能为个人提供了探索 23andMe 提供的报告和分析之外的遗传信息的机会。要下载原始数据,用户可以导航到 23andMe 网站,登录其帐户,然后访问设置部分。从那里,他们可以选择下载原始 DNA 数据的选项。该数据以标准格式提供,允许用户使用第三方工具进一步分析或与医疗保健专业人员和研究人员共享。然而,值得注意的是,用户应确保他们了解与访问和共享原始 DNA 数据相关的隐私影响和潜在风险。