
TurboTax 客户常见问题解答


TurboTax 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 TurboTax 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何使用 TurboTax 查找我的支票账户和路由号码?



本文讨论获取您向 Turbo Tax 提交的往年纳税申报表的副本。提供了获取...的说明。

最近 TurboTax 个客户问题

How to I talk to a human at turbotax? The automated robot doesn't give me the options I need.

There is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page that you are viewing. You can use that link to find the best way to speak with a human at TurboTax.
询问时间:Feb 20, 2025 8:54 PM

How do I file a W2 that I received after filing my tax return

If you receive a W-2 after filing your tax return, you will need to file an amended return using Form 1040-X. This form allows you to correct your original tax return to include the newly received W-2 income. Be sure to also include any additional taxes owed or adjustments to your refund. Follow the instructions on the form carefully to ensure that you complete the amendment correctly. Note that you should file the amended return within three years of the original due date of your return to ensure that it is accepted.
询问时间:Feb 19, 2025 7:14 PM

no longer have access to my email account or phone number used for my Turbo Tax account

In case you no longer have access to your email account or phone number used for your TurboTax account, you will need to use TurboTax's account recovery options. TurboTax might ask you for some personal information to verify your identity. This can include your name, DOB, SSN, or other tax-related information. Once your identity is confirmed, you will be able to update your contact information and regain access to your account. For your security, it's important to keep your contact information updated to avoid such issues in the future.
询问时间:Apr 20, 2024 6:57 AM

Turbotax cra autofill function for turbotax online

Sure! TurboTax Online supports the Auto-fill my return service, a feature of the Canada Revenue Agency that lets you automatically fill in parts of your income tax return. To use it, first set up a CRA MyAccount and then through TurboTax, choose "Auto-fill my return". You'll need to log into your CRA MyAccount, then authorize TurboTax to use the service. TurboTax will then automatically fill in parts of your return with information the CRA has for that tax year – for example, your T-slips or RRSP contribution limit. Please double-check this information to ensure its accuracy. It's a useful feature that can make completing your return faster and easier!
询问时间:Apr 15, 2024 10:43 PM

I need to remove the bank account connected to my account

You can change or remove the bank account linked to your TurboTax account in a few steps. Sign into your TurboTax account and navigate to the tax timeline. Click on 'load my tax timeline' and then search for the section 'your federal refund’. Choose the 'edit' option. In the ‘We'll get your federal refund directly deposited’ section, you can modify your bank account details. Make the necessary changes or remove the bank detail and remember to save. Please note that you can't make these changes once your return has been accepted by the IRS.
询问时间:Apr 15, 2024 3:46 PM


Filing Taxes

如何使用 TurboTax 报税?

您可以在提交纳税申报表时使用 TurboTax。它易于使用,可以帮助您轻松识别适合您的包装...




使用 TurboTax 有多种不同的方式缴纳税款;您可以选择通过信用卡或借记卡、支票、汇票等方式付款

我可以使用 TurboTax 提交营业税吗?

是的,TurboTax 可用于申报营业税。 TurboTax 提供了一个专门定制的版本,称为“TurboTax Business”,以满足......

Stimulus Check


如果您对刺激支票存入 Turbo Tax 卡的可能性感到好奇,您最好的选择是与...交谈

Banking Information

如何使用 TurboTax 查找我的支票账户和路由号码?



得益于 TurboTax 等网站内置的软件,在线报税比以往更快、更容易,但它也更重要......

Refund Guarantee


Turbo Tax 是一款允许个人快速轻松地完成纳税申报表的软件。如果您发现填写纳税申报表...

Account Access


本文讨论获取您向 Turbo Tax 提交的往年纳税申报表的副本。提供了获取...的说明。


Turbo Tax 是 Intuit 生产的领先所得税申报软件包。要访问您的 TurboTax 帐户,请首先打开...


对于失去帐户访问权限的 TurboTax 用户来说,帐户恢复是一个必要的过程。要重新获得访问权限并验证所有权,...

Tax Refund


通过 TurboTax 以电子方式提交纳税申报表,您可以快速查看 IRS 的退税状态,而通过蜗牛邮寄...


Turbo Tax 提供报税和确定退税资格的帮助。要申请退款,用户必须登录...



Support and Help


如果您有税务问题,您可以联系 Turbo Tax 客户代表,他们将很乐意为您提供帮助。可以联系该公司...


TurboTax 为纳税人提供两种服务:实时辅助服务和实时全方位服务。这两项服务都提供无限的税务帮助,但 Live...

Forms and Compatibility

TurboTax 支持哪些表格?

TurboTax 支持全面的税务表格,以适应各种税务情况。您是否需要提交基本申报表...

我可以将 W-2 表格导入 TurboTax 吗?

是的,您可以将 W-2 表格导入 TurboTax。 TurboTax 提供了一个方便快捷的选项来直接导入您的 W-2 信息...

TurboTax 是否支持海外收入和海外税收抵免?

是的,TurboTax 支持报告外国收入和申请外国税收抵免。 TurboTax 具有旨在处理...的特定功能

我可以用 TurboTax 扣除学生贷款利息吗?

是的,TurboTax 允许您扣除学生贷款利息。要符合资格,您必须支付合格学生贷款的利息。涡轮税...

TurboTax 是否处理加密货币税务报告?

是的,TurboTax 确实处理加密货币税务报告。 TurboTax 认识到比特币等加密货币的日益普及......

TurboTax Live

TurboTax Live 是什么以及它如何工作?

TurboTax Live 是 TurboTax 的增强版本,通过实时视频为用户提供来自真实税务专业人员的专家帮助...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 TurboTax 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 TurboTax 个问题

