
Moneygram 客户常见问题解答


Moneygram 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Moneygram 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

除了汇款之外,Moneygram 还提供其他服务吗?


最近 Moneygram 个客户问题

My transaction is showing This transaction was completed in-store and certain functionality is unavailable online.

This message indicates that your transaction was initiated in a physical Moneygram location. Certain actions or functionalities, such as tracking or modifying the transaction, may not be accessible online because they were completed in-store. If you need assistance with your transaction, consider visiting the location where it was completed or referring to the resources available on this page for more guidance.
询问时间:Feb 3, 2025 11:39 PM

I have been sent money to my wallet but hasn't arrived since yesterday

If the money sent to your wallet hasn’t arrived since yesterday, it may be due to processing delays or an issue with the transaction. It’s important to double-check the transaction details and the status update from Moneygram. Confirm that the recipient details are accurate and ensure there are no issues with the receiving wallet service.
询问时间:Jul 2, 2024 8:51 AM

my transactions have been rejected

There might be a few reasons why your transactions have been rejected. One common reason is inputting incorrect or incomplete information during the transfer process. Another could be that you've reached your daily or monthly sending limit. Moneygram also uses security measures to avoid fraudulent activities, so the system may deem your transfer as suspicious and reject it. Lastly, transaction rejection might occur if the recipient is unable to receive money due to their own limitations or restrictions. Please ensure all information is correct and compliant with MoneyGram's policies and limits.
询问时间:Jun 20, 2024 4:39 PM

Estoy bloqueada y no puedo recibir remesa.

Si te bloquearon de MoneyGram y no puedes recibir remesas, desafortunadamente, no hay mucho que pueda hacer por ti. MoneyGram tiene el derecho de bloquear transacciones por varias razones, incluyendo la sospecha de fraude. Te recomendamos que te pongas en contacto con ellos directamente. Puedes encontrar el enlace a la información de contacto más actualizada justo aquí en la página que estás viendo. Esto te permitirá hablar con un representante de atención al cliente que puede ayudarte a entender por qué te bloquearon y posiblemente te ayude a resolver la situación.
询问时间:Jun 5, 2024 9:45 PM

This transaction was completed in-store and certain functionality is unavailable online.

If you completed your transaction in-store, please note that some features and services such as transaction tracking or changes might not be available online. For any changes, problems or inquiries about such transactions, you would need to return to the store where the transaction was completed or reach out to Moneygram customer service. The most up-to-date contact information is available on this page that you're currently viewing.
询问时间:Apr 30, 2024 6:10 PM


Password Reset


如果您忘记了 Moneygram 的密码,这篇简短的文章将为您提供帮助。只需按照提供的步骤操作,您将...

Tracking Transfers


MoneyGram 允许客户安全地转账和接受转账。如果您需要跟踪 MoneyGram 的转账,请按照以下步骤操作...

Receiving Issues



Sending Issues


在 MoneyGram 上发送付款既简单又快捷。您的付款应该可以顺利完成,但如果您确实遇到问题,请按照...

Transfer Time

Moneygram 转账需要多长时间才能完成?

完成 Moneygram 转账所需的时间因各种因素而异。一般情况下,国内转账...

Destination Countries

我可以使用 Moneygram 向哪些国家/地区汇款?

Moneygram 允许您向全球许多国家/地区汇款。凭借覆盖 200 多个国家和地区的庞大网络,您...


通过 Moneygram 汇款需要支付哪些费用?

通过 Moneygram 汇款的相关费用因目的地国家/地区、汇款金额等多种因素而异。


我可以取消 Moneygram 转账吗?

是的,您可以取消 Moneygram 转账,但这取决于交易的状态。如果钱还没有收到...

Currency Options

我可以通过 Moneygram 发送和接收哪些货币?

Moneygram 允许您在世界各地发送和接收各种货币。他们提供广泛的选择,包括主要货币......

Transaction Limit

我通过 Moneygram 发送或接收的金额有限制吗?

是的,您通过 Moneygram 发送或接收的金额是有限制的。具体限制可能因国家/地区而异...

Recipient Details

如果我在 Moneygram 转账中输入的收件人详细信息不正确怎么办?

如果您不小心输入了错误的 Moneygram 转账收款人详细信息,请务必立即采取行动。一旦转移...

发送 Moneygram 转账后可以更改收款人信息吗?

不可以,一旦您发送了 Moneygram 转账,您就无法更改收款人的信息。 Moneygram 实施了一项政策...


我需要提供哪些文件才能通过 Moneygram 汇款或收款?

为了通过 Moneygram 发送或接收资金,您通常需要提供某些文件以进行验证......


Moneygram 转账是否可以申请退款?

是的,可以针对 Moneygram 转账申请退款。如果您犯了错误或不再希望继续...

Additional Services

除了汇款之外,Moneygram 还提供其他服务吗?

我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Moneygram 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Moneygram 个问题