
Instagram 客户常见问题解答


Instagram 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Instagram 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何在 Instagram 上创建业务页面?

如果您拥有一家企业或经营企业的社交媒体工作,您应该考虑创建 Instagram 企业页面。您可以轻松...


Instagram 开发了一种复杂的算法,可以限制您的点赞、评论和您可以关注的个人。禁令很常见...

最近 Instagram 个客户问题

My Instagram account was blocked, but I didn't do anything illegal.

If your Instagram account has been blocked, it may be due to a violation of Instagram's community guidelines or terms of service, even if you believe you haven't done anything wrong. To recover your account, you can follow the instructions in the app for appealing the block or verify your identity. Make sure to check for any emails from Instagram regarding your account status. In some cases, it might take time for the review process.
询问时间:Feb 25, 2025 9:17 AM

I need to get a video taken down that was posted without my permission

To report a video that was posted without your permission, go to the video, tap the three dots (more) on the post, and select "Report." Follow the prompts to notify Instagram about the issue. You can choose the reason for your report, such as “It's my copyrighted material” or “It's inappropriate.” Instagram will review the report and take appropriate action if it violates their guidelines.
询问时间:Feb 19, 2025 11:08 PM

My two factor authentication won’t show up on my phone. It should send a code to my phone number however, I think it’s linked to my old phone number how do I log into my account.

If your two-factor authentication is linked to an old phone number, first try to recover your account by using the backup codes you received when you set up two-factor authentication. If you don't have those codes, you can try to reset your password and follow the prompts for account recovery. You may also have the option to verify your identity through other means, such as an email address linked to your account. If you still can't access your account, you might need to refer to the recovery process specific to Instagram.
询问时间:Feb 10, 2025 9:00 AM

how do I get my Instagram account back if it has been hacked and they changed my email, password and username

If your Instagram account has been hacked and the email, password, and username have been changed, you can try to recover it by using the "Forgot password?" option on the login page. Enter your username or the phone number linked to your account. Follow the instructions in the password reset email or SMS you receive. If you can't access that email or phone number, visit the login screen, click "Need more help?" and follow the on-screen instructions to report the issue to Instagram. They will guide you through the recovery process based on the details you provide.
询问时间:Feb 8, 2025 5:00 PM

My Instagram account and Facebook Account are permanently disabled.

If both your Instagram and Facebook accounts are permanently disabled, it usually means you've violated the respective platforms' community guidelines or terms of service. Unfortunately, once an account is permanently disabled, it typically cannot be reactivated. You can review the policies and determine if there's a possibility of appealing the decision, but the chances of recovery are slim in such cases.
询问时间:Jan 24, 2025 7:09 AM


Reporting and Blocking

如何举报在 Instagram 上欺凌或骚扰我的用户?

Instagram 是一个社交媒体平台,它利用工具并为用户提供更多控制权,以保护他们的帐户免受网络欺凌......

如何在 Instagram 上屏蔽用户?

如果您想限制某人在 Instagram 上与您的联系,您可以选择阻止他们的帐户。有三种方法...


Instagram 用户在使用该平台时可能会遇到问题。要报告问题或寻求帮助,请按照以下步骤操作:访问 Instagram.com,...

Account Management

如何在 Instagram 上创建业务页面?

如果您拥有一家企业或经营企业的社交媒体工作,您应该考虑创建 Instagram 企业页面。您可以轻松...


Instagram 开发了一种复杂的算法,可以限制您的点赞、评论和您可以关注的个人。禁令很常见...


如果您无法登录 Instagram 帐户,可以按照以下步骤尝试恢复。如果您的帐户...


如果您的 Instagram 帐户遭到黑客攻击,请立即按照以下步骤恢复并保护它。访问 Instagram 网站,输入您的帐户...


Instagram 是与家人、朋友和名人保持联系的有趣方式,但发现您无法关注可能会令人沮丧......

Photo-related Concerns

如何从 Instagram 获取我的照片?

如果您在 Instagram 上发现了自己的照片并希望将其删除,您可以使用 Instagram 的报告表进行调查......


Instagram 用户可以暂时停用其个人资料,导致照片和点赞消失。要找回丢失的照片,请打开...

Password Issues


从未收到密码重置信息从来都不是一件方便的事,但您确实可以选择自己或通过 Instagram 进行故障排除,...


本文讨论了在您丢失 Instagram 帐户后重新获得其访问权限的各种方法。详细说明...

如何在没有密码的情况下删除 Instagram 帐户?

要永久删除您的 Instagram 帐户,请使用您的凭据登录,转到“帐户所有权和控制”,点击“停用”或...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Instagram 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Instagram 个问题


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