
Affirm 客户常见问题解答


Affirm 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Affirm 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何恢复我的 Affirm 帐户?

Affirm 允许用户先买后付,信用额度取决于资格。要恢复已关闭的帐户,请更新手机号码...


如果您丢失手机或更改电话号码,必须立即采取行动以确保您的 Affirm...

最近 Affirm 个客户问题

Como hago para tener ayuda telefonica en español

Hay un enlace en esta página que proporciona la información de contacto más actualizada, donde podrás encontrar opciones para asistencia telefónica en español.
询问时间:Sep 18, 2024 5:16 PM

Como me comunico con agorm en español ?

Para comunicarte con Affirm en español, puedes utilizar el enlace a la información de contacto más actualizada que se encuentra aquí en esta página que estás viendo. Affirm se esfuerza por proporcionar soporte en varios idiomas, incluyendo el español. Sin embargo, los tiempos de respuesta pueden variar dependiendo de la disponibilidad de los representantes de servicio al cliente que hablan español. Te recomendamos tener paciencia y alguien te atenderá tan pronto como sea posible.
询问时间:Jun 19, 2024 5:08 AM

How do I know how much I'm allowed

The amount you're approved for with Affirm depends on multiple factors, including your credit score and history, the merchant you're buying from, and the amount you're trying to finance. Affirm evaluates these factors to determine your creditworthiness and decide how much they can lend. This process occurs when you select Affirm as your payment method at checkout. After you've provided some personal information, Affirm will let you know almost instantly whether you're approved and for what amount. Remember, the amount you're allowed can vary for each purchase and may not cover the entire cost of your purchase.
询问时间:Apr 9, 2024 4:10 PM

How do I contact the bank that gave me my affirm loan?

Affirm manages all their own loans, so you don't need to contact a separate bank. If you need assistance with your Affirm loan, you should directly reach out to Affirm's customer service team. They are here to assist with any issues regarding your loan, including questions about payments, interest rates, or loan terms. It's important to remember, however, that Affirm's customer service can only provide help with Affirm products and services. For issues not directly related to Affirm, you might need to contact the appropriate institution or service provider.
询问时间:Apr 5, 2024 6:29 PM

How do I speak to someone in the United States about my loan?

Affirm's customer support team is based in the United States and available to assist you anytime. You can reach the team by logging into your account on the Affirm website and navigating to the "Help" section. From there, follow the instructions to start a chat with a representative. You can also call the toll-free customer care number, which is listed on the Affirm website. For quicker service, be ready to provide details about your loan, such as your loan ID number. Please note that business hours may vary depending on holidays and weekends.
询问时间:Apr 5, 2024 6:27 PM





如何与 Affirm 建立付款安排?

Affirm 是一家美国公司,为店内和网上购物提供后付费服务。要与...建立付款安排



如果我错过了 Affirm 贷款的付款会怎样?

如果您碰巧错过了 Affirm 贷款的付款,您可能会承担一些后果。首先,您的信用评分可能为负......

我可以提前还清我的 Affirm 贷款吗?

是的,您可以提前还清您的 Affirm 贷款,而无需支付任何罚款。 Affirm 提供了在预定日期之前还清贷款的灵活性...

我可以更改 Affirm 贷款的还款计划吗?

是的,您可以更改确认贷款的还款计划。 Affirm 为客户提供灵活性,允许他们修改...

Account Management

如何恢复我的 Affirm 帐户?

Affirm 允许用户先买后付,信用额度取决于资格。要恢复已关闭的帐户,请更新手机号码...


如果您丢失手机或更改电话号码,必须立即采取行动以确保您的 Affirm...

Application Process


然而,并不是每个人都有资格获得 Affirm 融资。那么,您可以做什么才能让 Affirm 批准您被拒绝的申请呢?读...

我需要提供哪些信息才能申请 Affirm 贷款?


Affirm 贷款的审批流程需要多长时间?

Affirm 贷款的审批流程快速高效。在大多数情况下,您可以在几秒钟内收到贷款决定。确认...

Loan Details



Store Usage

我可以使用 Affirm 为从任何商店购买商品提供资金吗?

是的,您可以使用 Affirm 为从众多商店购买商品提供资金。 Affirm 被不同地区的数千家零售商所接受...

Credit Card Requirement

我需要有信用卡才能使用 Affirm 吗?

不,您不需要拥有信用卡即可使用 Affirm。 Affirm 是一种灵活的付款选项,允许您进行购买并...

International Purchases

我可以使用 Affirm 进行国际购买吗?

我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Affirm 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Affirm 个问题

