
Duolingo 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Duolingo 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。


对于 Duolingo,所有费用通常都是最终费用且不可退还。如果您取消订阅,您将没有资格获得退款...

最近 Duolingo 个客户问题

how to send an email to customer support for special case

To contact Duolingo's customer support, navigate to the Duolingo Help Center. From there, you can send a detailed report or request assistance by filling out a form that will be sent directly to the customer service team. Make sure to include all appropriate details to help expedite the process. Please note, as there's a high volume of requests, it may take a few days to get a response. There's also a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page that you're viewing.
询问时间:May 8, 2024 9:58 AM

I paid $20 for 3600 gems. I only got 2,000 gems. I would like it fixed.

We're sorry to hear about this issue. Unfortunately, we don't have the capability to modify account details or transactions directly on this FAQ page. However, Duolingo's support team is equipped to handle such concerns. We suggest checking for a confirmation email from your purchase and following the steps there on reporting discrepancies. Always ensure you're running the latest version of Duolingo and that your payment details are correctly entered. Your concern will most likely be quickly resolved by contacting Duolingo's support directly through the link provided on this page.
询问时间:May 7, 2024 10:32 PM

I automatically got signed out and I couldn’t sign in again

We're sorry to hear about this issue. First, try resetting your password to see if you can regain access. Click on the 'Forgot your password?' option and check your inbox for the password reset email. Also, ensure that you're entering your username or email address correctly, without any typographical mistakes. If you signed up via Google or Facebook, make sure you're attempting to log in through those methods. Errors can occur if the method of signing in changes. If all else fails, it's possible that you may have accidentally created a new account instead of logging into an existing one, so ensure you're using the correct login credentials.
询问时间:May 1, 2024 4:49 AM

Je voudrais un remboursement comment faire si je ne peux pas vous appeler

Pour demander un remboursement sur Duolingo, la procédure diffère selon votre plateforme. Si vous utilisez iOS (Apple), vous devez passer par le processus de remboursement d'Apple. Allez dans votre historique d'achats iTunes et demandez un remboursement depuis là. Si vous utilisez Android (Google Play), vous pouvez obtenir un remboursement dans les 48 heures suivant votre achat en suivant les instructions sur le Google Play Store. Si cela fait plus de 48 heures, vous devrez contacter le support de Duolingo directement via l'application. Dans tous les cas, nous vous conseillons de lire attentivement les conditions de remboursement de la plateforme que vous utilisez.
询问时间:Apr 30, 2024 1:33 PM

Overcharged for yearly subscription

We're sorry to hear about this issue with your Duolingo subscription. Please make sure to check if you've been charged an extra due to tax or any other in-app purchases. If there still appears to be an error in billing, we recommend that you reach out directly to your platform’s customer service (Google Play, Apple Store) as they manage the transactions. If a duplicate or incorrect charge has occurred, they should be able to help you out. Remember to have your payment and account details ready to facilitate the process.
询问时间:Apr 25, 2024 4:24 PM


Support and Services

如何联系 Duolingo 客户支持?

有多种方法可以联系 Duolingo 客户支持。联系客户支持的最佳方式取决于您遇到的问题......


对于 Duolingo,所有费用通常都是最终费用且不可退还。如果您取消订阅,您将没有资格获得退款...

Language Settings

如何在 Duolingo 上更改我的主要语言?

本文讨论 Duolingo 以及更改主要语言所需的步骤。给出了在 Web 上完成此操作的步骤:

