
Crypto.com 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Crypto.com 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何解锁我的 Crypto.com 帐户?

您的 Crypto.com 帐户被锁定的原因有多种,但最常见的是帐户被盗、可疑活动……

如何在 Crypto.com 上开设账户?

您可以在 Crypto.com 上为 Exchange 和应用程序用户创建一个帐户。转到登录页面并点击“注册”按钮......

最近 Crypto.com 个客户问题

How do I find my crypto account number? All I find is my name, email address, & phone number. Is there not an actual account number ?

Crypto.com does not provide a specific account number, like traditional banking services. Instead, users are identified through their registered email address and, to a lesser extent, their associated phone number. When you communicate with the platform or need to identify your account, your registered e-mail address is usually all that's needed. For transactions, you will use your digital wallet address, which is unique to each type of cryptocurrency you hold. It's important to make sure you use the correct wallet address for the specific type of crypto you're sending or receiving.
询问时间:May 15, 2024 2:28 PM

I changed my phone number and can’t get into my account

We're sorry to hear about your issue. You need to complete the account recovery process. It involves verification of your identity, which may require providing proof of identity, selfie, and answering security questions. It’s important to keep your personal information updated on Crypto.com to avoid such issues in the future. If you've already initiated the account recovery process and have yet to get a response, we would encourage being patient as the verification team works through inquiries in the order they're received. Please remember to provide as precise and complete information as possible to expedite the process. We appreciate your understanding.
询问时间:May 15, 2024 12:24 PM

I wire transfered 2,000 on April 30 and my fiat wallet still says pending. Did i miss something?

Typically, bank transfers to your Crypto.com account can take anywhere from 3 to 5 business days. If this period has elapsed and the transfer is still showing as pending, there may be various factors at play. Potential reasons could include a delay from your bank, an issue with the transfer details you provided, or high operational volume on Crypto.com's end. We recommend waiting a few more days. If the issue continues, visit the contact link on this page for the most up-to-date information on reaching Crypto.com's customer service.
询问时间:May 5, 2024 3:56 PM

What does it mean when it says my account has not been verified?

When your account is not verified on Crypto.com, it means that the necessary steps to confirm your identity have not been completed. This is a security measure designed to protect the integrity of all users on the platform. The verification process typically involves submitting specific pieces of identification (like a passport or driving license) as well as completing a facial recognition check. Once these steps are successfully completed, your account will be verified, which then allows you to gain full access to the services and features available on the platform.
询问时间:May 2, 2024 8:24 PM

What is my instant transfer limit?

Your instant transfer limit on Crypto.com can vary depending on several factors such as your verification level and the type of transfer you are carrying out. Generally, for Crypto.com app users who have completed the necessary KYC verifications, there are usually higher limits in place. It's important to note that different types of transactions such as crypto transfers, withdrawals, or fiat currency transfers may have separate limits. To get specific about your personal instant transfer limit, you should check your account on the Crypto.com app or website as it provides information tailored to your account status and level of verification.
询问时间:Apr 26, 2024 6:50 PM


Account Management

如何解锁我的 Crypto.com 帐户?

您的 Crypto.com 帐户被锁定的原因有多种,但最常见的是帐户被盗、可疑活动……

如何在 Crypto.com 上开设账户?

您可以在 Crypto.com 上为 Exchange 和应用程序用户创建一个帐户。转到登录页面并点击“注册”按钮......

如何在 Crypto.com 上关闭我的帐户?

要关闭您的 Crypto.com 帐户,请使用注册的电子邮件地址向 Crypto.com 发送电子邮件,主题为“关闭帐户”。立刻...

如何恢复被黑的 Crypto.com 帐户?

登录您的 Crypto.com 帐户后,您发现未经您授权的可疑活动/交易,或者您...

如果我的 Crypto.com 账户余额错误怎么办?

在 Crypto.com 上查看您的帐户时,您可能会发现您的余额不正确。这可能是由于存款流量较高...

如何重置我的 Crypto.com 密码?


如何删除我的 Crypto.com 帐户?

如果您打算不再进行加密货币交易,或者您想将交易所从 Crypto.com 切换到新交易所,您可以删除...

验证我在 Crypto.com 上的帐户需要多长时间?

在 Crypto.com 上验证帐户所需的时间通常取决于各种因素,例如信息的准确性和完整性......

我可以从 Crypto.com 账户转账的金额有限制吗?

是的,您可以从 Crypto.com 账户转账的金额有限制。限制取决于您的验证级别...

Buying and Selling

如何在 Crypto.com 上购买硬币?

在购买币之前,您必须先将您的 DeFi 钱包连接到您的账户。要开始购买硬币,请登录您的帐户并...

如何在 Crypto.com 上出售硬币?

要开始销售硬币,您必须首先设置您的 Crypto.com 法定钱包。您可以通过登录您的帐户并点击...来出售硬币

在 Crypto.com 上购买硬币的费用是多少?

在 Crypto.com 上购买代币的费用根据交易类型和用户的会员级别而有所不同。对于信用卡/借记卡...

Security Features

如何增加我在 Crypto.com 上的支出?

如果您想增加 Crypto.com 上的支出限额,您可以执行以下操作:获得验证、存入更多资金、使用...

如何在我的 Crypto.com 帐户上设置双重授权?

对于任何想要保护帐户免受黑客攻击的加密货币交易者来说,双因素身份验证是必须的。 Crypto.com 提供两种...

Transfers and Withdrawals

如何在 Crypto.com 上转移硬币?

当您需要将硬币转入或转出您的 Crypto.com 帐户,或将硬币从一个钱包转移到帐户上的另一个钱包时,您...

如何从我的 Crypto.com 账户转账?

将资金从您的 Crypto.com 帐户转移到另一个钱包或交易所非常简单。请务必检查相关费用...

我可以从 Crypto.com 提款到我的银行账户吗?

当您在 Crypto.com 上出售加密货币时,您希望确保可以轻松快速地将资金转入您的银行账户......

Supported Features

Crypto.com 支持哪些加密货币?


Crypto.com 是否提供移动应用程序?

是的,Crypto.com 为 iOS 和 Android 设备提供功能丰富的移动应用程序。 Crypto.com 应用程序为用户提供了便捷的...

Payment Methods

我可以使用信用卡在 Crypto.com 上购买硬币吗?

是的,您可以使用信用卡在 Crypto.com 上购买硬币。平台支持信用卡交易,方便快捷...

Limits and Deposits

Crypto.com 的最低和最高存款限额是多少?

在 Crypto.com 上,最低和最高存款限额根据存入的加密货币而有所不同。对于像这样的加密货币...


我可以在我的国家/地区使用 Crypto.com 吗?

Crypto.com 在许多国家/地区可用,使其可供全球用户群使用。大多数国家/地区都支持它,...