"Thank you for calling Verbo.
A leading vacation rental marketplace. For faster assistance, you may chat with a live agent by visiting our help center.
At help dot vrbo dot com and clicking on contact us.
Press one for English.
Your call may be recorded or monitored to train agents ensure a quality experience, and help resolve any questions you may have.
For more info on how we use call recordings, view the privacy statement on our website.
If you're a host, please press one. If you're a guest, please press two."
与 VRBO 的通话摘录
Monday, January 22, 2024 8:38 PM
"Thank you for calling Verbo.
A leading vacation rental marketplace. For faster assistance, you may chat with a live agent by visiting our help center at help dot vrbo dot com and clicking on contact us.
Press one for English.
Your call may be recorded or monitored to train agents.
Ensure a quality experience, and help resolve any questions you may have.
For more info on how we use call recordings, view the privacy statement on our website.
If you're a host, please press one. If you're a guest, please press two.
If you're an integrate now for security reasons, please enter the last four digits of your credit card."
Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.