"If you are calling because you received the ninety day proof of employment notice, Please hang up and visit w w w dot l a works dot net or w w w dot lusianaw works dot net forward slash hire for important information and updates related to this notice.
Call center staff can only provide you the information that is available on the website.
If you have followed the instructions included on the letter, there is nothing else required of you at this time.
If we need additional information, we will reach out.
If you do not hear from us right away, do not worry.
We are working as quickly as we can to review all submitted documentation.
No adverse action will be taken on any claim until all submitted documentation is reviewed.
If visiting our website you still have questions, you may email covid nineteen assist at l w c dot l a dot gov.
Again, that's c o v I d one nine a s s I s t at l w c dot l a dot g o v.
You've reached the Louisiana Workforce Commission's claimant call center.
Agents answering this number are not able to answer unemployment insurance employer tax questions, and will not transfer callers to the employer line.
If you are a claimant needing assistance with an unemployment insurance issue, please continue to hold.
Your call may be monitored or recorded.
For quality assurance purposes. If at any time during the call you wish to return to the previous question, press star.
Now let's get started. How may we help you today?
If you are a claimant calling today concerning unemployment benefits, press one."