
X 客户常见问题解答


X 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 X 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何验证我的 Twitter 帐户?

Twitter 使您可以轻松验证您的帐户,并且无需支付任何相关费用。如需申请验证,您需要提交...

如何更新我的 Twitter 帐户上的电子邮件?

根据以下信息,您应该可以成功更新您的 Twitter 电子邮件地址,几乎不会出现任何问题。你需要意识到...

最近 X 个客户问题

How to get my account reviewed by a human being after being suspended for spamming

For account reviews after a suspension for spamming, please follow the instructions provided in the suspension notification you received. There usually is an option to appeal the suspension, which will enable your account to be reviewed by a human. Ensure you clearly explain your situation in the appeal to assist in the review process.
询问时间:Nov 24, 2024 7:57 PM

How do I get my x account un-suspended.

To have your account unsuspended, you should review any emails from X regarding the suspension for specific details on the issue. Follow the instructions provided in those communications to appeal the suspension. Typically, this involves filling out a form or providing additional information to verify your identity or rectify the reason for the suspension. Adhering to X's community guidelines and terms of service is crucial in this process.
询问时间:Nov 15, 2024 6:01 PM

Why has my account been suspended

There could be various reasons why your account has been suspended. Some common causes are suspected fraudulent activities, violation of our terms and conditions, or multiple failed login attempts. It could also happen if there are outstanding bills or subscriptions due. Rest assured that account suspensions aren't taken lightly, and are implemented only when necessary for your protection and the community's safety. If you believe this was an error, please ensure to review the conditions you agreed to when the account was created and comply with all requirements. The suspension will usually be lifted once the issues have been properly addressed.
询问时间:Apr 13, 2024 6:47 PM

I cancelled my account several times, X does not accept it

We're sorry to hear that you're having trouble cancelling your account with X. Please ensure you're following the correct cancellation procedure. This usually involves logging into your account, navigating to "Account Settings" or similar, and selecting an option to cancel or close your account. You should receive a confirmation email afterward. If the issue persists, there could be technical difficulties, or your cancellation request may not have been processed correctly. If this is the case, we recommend waiting a little while before trying again. However, we can't resolve this problem directly. We suggest you contact X's customer service for further support. Please remember to keep track of all your attempts to cancel.
询问时间:Apr 11, 2024 10:25 PM

Cant access access my Twitter account

If you're unable to access your Twitter account, there could be a few reasons why. You may have entered the incorrect username or password, so try re-entering those carefully and ensure caps lock isn't enabled. If you've forgotten your password, you can use the 'Forgot password?' link on the login page to reset it. If your account is suspended or locked for some reason, you'll need to follow the instructions that were emailed to you. If none of these solutions work, it's possible that your account may have been compromised. In that case, it's best to contact Twitter's support team for assistance.
询问时间:Apr 2, 2024 4:39 PM



如何验证我的 Twitter 帐户?

Twitter 使您可以轻松验证您的帐户,并且无需支付任何相关费用。如需申请验证,您需要提交...


如何关闭来自 Twitter 的电子邮件通知?

有几种方法可以关闭 Twitter 的电子邮件通知。最简单的方法是通过 Twitter 移动设备更改您的设置...

Account Update

如何更新我的 Twitter 帐户上的电子邮件?

根据以下信息,您应该可以成功更新您的 Twitter 电子邮件地址,几乎不会出现任何问题。你需要意识到...

Unlinking Accounts

如何取消 Twitter 与 Facebook 的链接?

如果您已将 Twitter 帐户与 Facebook 帐户关联,那么您的推文将自动发布到您的 Facebook 时间线......

Language Change

如何更改 Twitter 上的语言?

Twitter 是一个从美国根源发展成为全球现象的网站。对区域支持的需求使得...

Reporting Fake Accounts



Tweet Issues


Twitter 仍然是用户保持联系的流行方式。实时提供的简短而甜蜜的内容可能有助于......



Search Removal


这份 GetHuman 指南解释了 Google 搜索结果为何只偶尔更新一次,但您可以要求他们删除您的 Twitter...

Messages Restore


如果您遵循上述指南,在 Twitter 上检索消息就像在公园散步一样轻松。然而,我们的团队还提供客户服务......

Follow Issues


Twitter 为人们提供了多种获取关注者的方式,这意味着有时人们无法关注您。如果帐户受到保护,...

Tweet Recovery


Twitter 使用户可以轻松直观地下载和访问其 Twitter 数据,包括已删除的推文。然而,应该...

Username Change


更改您的 Twitter 用户名或句柄以及更改您的显示名称都是简单、轻松的过程。如果...

Account Deletion


要删除您的 Twitter 帐户,您必须先停用它。停用后,Twitter 会提供 30 天的期限供您更改...

Account Security


Twitter 是一个免费的社交平台,用户可以在其中发布链接、照片、视频和文本。有时,Twitter 帐户会遭到黑客攻击,然后...


如果您无法访问您的 Twitter 帐户,您可以采取一些步骤来恢复它。首先,访问 Twitter 登录页面并单击...


Twitter 有用户必须遵守的政策和服务条款,否则他们的帐户可能会被暂停。然而,如果你相信你的...


当用户多次登录 Twitter 或 X 失败时,他们的帐户将被暂时锁定。这种锁定通常...
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