Tradesy 客户问答


至于联系 Tradesy,您无法与客户服务代理进行实时电话交谈。相反,您需要查看其网站上的帮助文章,看看是否有符合您问题的内容。您最终可能可以提交一份描述您问题的表格,然后收到客户服务团队成员发来的电子邮件。


I was buying Item * ******** a Louis Vuitton purse and all information was accepted an...
Bought a purse for $**** and not use i pushed the right key. Virgil Smith...
I wanted to return my item I purchased. I was hoping it was possible to get the item se...
I wanted to make monthly payments through affirm I set upmonthly payments on affirm fo...
I just checked my checking account and the total amount was taken out for this pocketbo...
I made a purchase earlier, I did not enter the Cyber Monday code before cometing the pu...
hi Iorder a diamond cross and i missed the cyber Monday discount because i placed the o...
I made a purchase on November **th I was supposed to get ** % off because of a promotio...
**Would like feedback as to why the Michael Kors coat I sold was returned. What was wro...
Hello, I have listed a Gucci necklace I purchased on this site because I realized I wil...
I sold an item on **** and shipped on ****. It’s been over ** days and still no payment...
Hello, I sold my black YSL bag *.* ago and the buyer has been having it in there posses...
I am sending this copy in hopes to get it corrected.*oach Phoebe Lexy Pebble...
Hello, I am a seller at Tradesy and one of my items just got sold but I do not see the...
My order is *******, but I haven't received any notification yet



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