TIAA-CREF 客户常见问题解答


TIAA-CREF 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 TIAA-CREF 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

我可以将资金从当前退休账户转入 TIAA-CREF 吗?

是的,您可以将资金从当前退休账户转入 TIAA-CREF。 TIAA-CREF 提供了便捷且简化的流程...

我可以从我的 TIAA-CREF 账户中提取贷款吗?

不可以,您不能直接从 TIAA-CREF 账户提取贷款。 TIAA-CREF 不为您的退休储蓄提供贷款......

最近 TIAA-CREF 个客户问题

How do I stop the TIAA payment to Ross Garrett, deceased, TIAA contract IE31736-8

We're sorry to hear about your loss. To stop payments to a deceased individual, we suggest contacting TIAA directly. It will be necessary to provide a death certificate and possibly additional paperwork, depending on the circumstances. They may also be able to help you redirect the funds if that is applicable in your situation. It's crucial to address such matters promptly to avoid any potential complications.
询问时间:Apr 2, 2024 11:24 PM

how to close the account of a deceased person

To close the account of a deceased person at TIAA-CREF, you need to provide TIAA-CREF with legal documentation, such as certified copies of the death certificate, affidavit of domicile, tax waiver and probate court appointment of executor or administrator. Once TIAA-CREF has the appropriate documents, they will distribute any remaining funds based on the deceased person's contract or plan agreements. It's important to consult with a legal advisor or certified financial counselor to ensure all steps are followed correctly to avoid unnecessary complications or legal difficulties.
询问时间:Mar 26, 2024 12:40 PM


Company Overview



Investment Options

TIAA-CREF 提供哪些类型的投资选择?

TIAA-CREF 提供广泛的投资选择,以满足不同的偏好和目标。这些选择包括共同基金、年金……

Funds Transfer

我可以将资金从当前退休账户转入 TIAA-CREF 吗?

是的,您可以将资金从当前退休账户转入 TIAA-CREF。 TIAA-CREF 提供了便捷且简化的流程...


TIAA-CREF 服务的相关费用是多少?

TIAA-CREF 提供一系列服务,每项服务都有其特定的费用结构。与这些服务相关的费用可能会有所不同,具体取决于...

Financial Planning

TIAA-CREF 提供财务规划服务吗?

是的,TIAA-CREF 为其客户提供财务规划服务。他们经验丰富的顾问团队致力于帮助个人......

Tax Advantages

通过 TIAA-CREF 投资有任何税收优惠吗?

是的,通过 TIAA-CREF 进行投资可提供多项税收优惠。首先,向 TIAA-CREF 退休账户缴款,例如 401(k)s...


我可以从我的 TIAA-CREF 账户中提取贷款吗?

不可以,您不能直接从 TIAA-CREF 账户提取贷款。 TIAA-CREF 不为您的退休储蓄提供贷款......

Job Change

如果我换工作,我的 TIAA-CREF 帐户会怎样?

如果您更换工作,您的 TIAA-CREF 帐户将保持不变,并且您有多种选择。您可以在 TIAA-CREF 留下您的帐户,...
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