
TAP Portugal 客户常见问题解答


TAP Portugal 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 TAP Portugal 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

携带儿童乘坐 TAP 葡萄牙航空航班旅行有任何具体旅行要求吗?

是的,携带儿童乘坐 TAP 葡萄牙航空航班旅行有特定的旅行要求。对于国际航班,儿童...
询问有关TAP Portugal客户服务的任何问题,立即获得答案。

最近 TAP Portugal 个客户问题

Want to pay for my upgrade seat. there is no option on line. when we call customer service they are willing to help us , but then we are dissconected. this has happened 3 times.

We understand your frustration. Unfortunately, if there are issues with online payment for seat upgrades and you experience disconnection during customer service calls, we recommend checking the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page. There may be alternative methods for completing your upgrade, including reaching out through different customer service channels.
询问时间:Jan 12, 2025 2:17 AM

how do I claim a refund due to cancellation

To claim a refund due to cancellation with TAP Portugal, you need to submit a refund request through the TAP website. Make sure to provide your booking reference and any relevant details regarding your cancellation. Refunds are processed according to the fare rules applicable to your ticket.
询问时间:Oct 1, 2024 3:51 PM

how do I contact tap air online chat

There is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page that you are viewing.
询问时间:Sep 16, 2024 8:30 AM

How many kilograms allowed on the flight london to portugal

For flights from London to Portugal, Economy Class passengers are typically allowed 1 piece of checked baggage up to 23 kg. Business Class passengers can usually check 2 pieces, each up to 32 kg. Hand luggage allowance is usually 1 piece up to 8 kg for Economy and 2 pieces totaling 16 kg for Business.
询问时间:Jul 21, 2024 6:19 PM

None of the journeys retrieved are available, please contact an agent at the airport

We're sorry to hear about the issue you're experiencing. If none of the journeys are available, it is likely due to all seats being booked, flights being cancelled, or technical errors. The best course of action is to regularly check the application or website for updates. Please remember to always have your booking reference and personal details handy to facilitate assistance. We advise you to arrive at the airport in good time to discuss your travel necessities with the agent. Agents at the airport have real-time access to flight details and can provide immediate assistance.
询问时间:Mar 6, 2024 6:55 AM

帮助我解决TAP Portugal客户服务问题


如果我的行李在 TAP 葡萄牙航空丢失或延误,我该怎么办?


TAP 葡萄牙航空 航班的行李限额是多少?

TAP 葡萄牙航空航班的行李限额取决于票价舱位和目的地。经济舱乘客通常允许...

Booking and Payment

通过 TAP 葡萄牙航空预订航班可接受哪些付款方式?

TAP 葡萄牙航空接受各种付款方式预订航班。客户可以使用主要信用卡付款,包括...

Flight Changes

我可以更改 TAP 葡萄牙航空的航班预订吗?

是的,您可以更改 TAP 葡萄牙航空的航班预订。 TAP 葡萄牙航空为乘客提供灵活性,让他们...


TAP 葡萄牙航空 航班是否允许携带宠物入住?

是的,TAP 葡萄牙航空允许宠物乘坐其航班。但是,某些条件和限制适用。小型犬和猫的体重...

Luggage Restrictions

TAP 葡萄牙航空对于手提行李中携带液体的政策是什么?

TAP 葡萄牙遵守国际民用航空组织 (ICAO) 制定的有关携带液体的规定...

Visa Requirements

我需要签证才能搭乘 TAP 葡萄牙航空前往某些国家/地区吗?

是的,签证要求根据您搭乘 TAP 葡萄牙航空前往的国家/地区而有所不同。重要的是要检查具体...

Seat Selection

我可以在 TAP 葡萄牙航空航班上预选座位吗?

是的,您可以在 TAP 葡萄牙航空航班上预先选择座位。 TAP 葡萄牙航空提供便捷的选座服务,让乘客...

In-flight Entertainment

TAP 葡萄牙航空 航班提供哪些机上娱乐选项?

TAP 葡萄牙航空提供多种机上娱乐选项,以提升您的旅行体验。坐下来欣赏最新的电影,...


TAP 葡萄牙航空 航班上提供 Wi-Fi 吗?

是的,TAP 葡萄牙航空的航班上提供 Wi-Fi。乘客可以在整个旅程中保持联系并享受互联网接入......

Delay and Cancellation Policy

TAP 葡萄牙航空对于航班延误和取消的政策是什么?

TAP 葡萄牙航空致力于为乘客提供最高水平的服务。如果航班延误或取消,...

Traveling with Children

携带儿童乘坐 TAP 葡萄牙航空航班旅行有任何具体旅行要求吗?

是的,携带儿童乘坐 TAP 葡萄牙航空航班旅行有特定的旅行要求。对于国际航班,儿童...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 TAP Portugal 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
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