
Sling TV 客户常见问题解答


Sling TV 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Sling TV 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何取消我的Sling TV帐户?

要取消您的 Sling TV 帐户,请访问网站,导航到帮助中心,找到“管理您的帐户”,然后找到“暂停...

如何恢复我对Sling TV的帐户访问权限?

如果您忘记了Sling TV密码,可以通过以下有用的提示来找回密码并重新访问自己的帐户。
询问有关Sling TV客户服务的任何问题,立即获得答案。

最近 Sling TV 个客户问题

I can't access my Greek channels on the guide menu or recents

We recommend checking your subscription to ensure that your Greek channels are included. Additionally, try refreshing your device or app, as this can sometimes resolve access issues. If the problem persists, consider reinstalling the Sling TV app.
询问时间:Jan 30, 2025 1:43 AM

how do i get a local fox news channel on sling

To access a local Fox News channel on Sling TV, subscribe to the Sling Blue package, which includes regional sports networks and some local channels. Availability may vary based on your location, so check the channel lineup specific to your area. You may also consider including an over-the-air antenna for additional local channels.
询问时间:Dec 29, 2024 12:57 PM

How do I watch my local ABC, CBS & NBC stations on sling

Sling TV offers local channels in select markets. To watch ABC, CBS, and NBC, you may need to subscribe to a Sling TV package that includes those channels or use an antenna. Local channels are available primarily in specific areas, so availability depends on your location. You can check your local channels on Sling's website based on your ZIP code.
询问时间:Dec 5, 2024 2:52 AM

Reset password and still can't sign into my account

If you've reset your password but still can't sign into your account, it could be due to a few reasons. Ensure you are entering the correct username and the new password accurately, paying attention to case sensitivity. It may also help to clear your browser's cache and cookies or try signing in using a different browser or device. If the issue persists, you may need to check for any service-related notifications or security features that may be impacting your access.
询问时间:Sep 23, 2024 6:24 PM

How do I record Sling programs to my DVR

To record programs on Sling TV, you need to have a subscription that includes Cloud DVR. Once subscribed, find the program you want to record, select it, and look for the option to "Record" or "Add to My DVR." The recorded programs can be accessed later in the "My DVR" section of the app. Remember, your recordings are stored in the cloud, and you'll have a specific storage limit based on your plan.
询问时间:Aug 14, 2024 9:20 PM

帮助我解决Sling TV客户服务问题


如何在亚马逊上取消Sling TV?

Sling TV 在各种设备上提供直播电视节目、点播电影和体育直播。用户可以自定义他们的频道包并添加...

如何取消我的Sling TV帐户?

要取消您的 Sling TV 帐户,请访问网站,导航到帮助中心,找到“管理您的帐户”,然后找到“暂停...

Subscription Changes

如何更改我的Sling TV订阅?

Sling TV 提供灵活的流媒体选项,包括不同的套餐,以满足各种偏好。更改订阅非常简单...


如何在Sling TV上添加频道?

Sling TV 是一项流媒体服务,允许用户添加新频道和管理收藏夹。通过访问“我的电视”页面,用户可以...

Buffering Issues

如何解决Sling TV上的缓冲问题?

如果您的 Sling TV 出现流媒体或缓冲问题,您可以执行以下操作来快速有效地解决问题......

Account Management

如何恢复我对Sling TV的帐户访问权限?

如果您忘记了Sling TV密码,可以通过以下有用的提示来找回密码并重新访问自己的帐户。


我如何从Sling TV获得退款?

Sling TV 的使用条款规定,付款不可退还,订户无权获得未使用服务的退款。但是,...

Device Compatibility

哪些设备与 Sling TV 兼容?

Sling TV 与多种设备兼容,为您喜爱的节目和频道提供灵活性和便利性。...

Streaming Restrictions

Sling TV 上允许同时传输多少个流?

在 Sling TV 上,允许的并发流数量取决于订阅类型。 Sling Orange 订阅者可以在...

Local Channels

我可以在 Sling TV 上观看本地频道吗?

是的,您可以在 Sling TV 上观看本地频道,但这取决于您所在的位置。 Sling TV 提供一项名为“Locals”的服务,该服务提供...


与 Sling TV 是否有合同或长期承诺?

不,与 Sling TV 没有合同或长期承诺。 Sling TV 提供灵活的订阅模式,允许您取消...

Features Included

Sling TV 是否包含 DVR 和点播功能?

是的,Sling TV 提供 DVR 和点播功能,以增强您的观看体验。借助 DVR 功能,您可以录制您的...

Internet Speed

Sling TV 推荐的互联网速度是多少?

Sling TV 的建议互联网速度取决于您想要流式传输的内容类型。为了获得最佳质量,Sling TV 建议...

Trial and Content

我可以在国际上观看 Sling TV 吗?

不可以,Sling TV 目前仅在美国境内提供流媒体播放。由于广播的原因,它无法在国际范围内访问...

Sling TV 有免费试用期吗?

是的,Sling TV 有免费试用期。新客户有资格获得 7 天免费试用,体验服务和所有...

我可以在 Sling TV 上观看体育赛事吗?

是的,您可以在 Sling TV 上观看体育赛事。 Sling TV 提供广泛的体育频道和套餐,可满足不同...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Sling TV 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Sling TV 个问题


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