
Skrill 客户常见问题解答


Skrill 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Skrill 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

我如何在 Skrill 上取消我的银行电汇?

在 Skrill 上取消银行电汇是一个快速而简单的过程。您可以在开始转账后 30 分钟内取消转账,...


Skrill 是一个在线汇款平台。以前,您必须开设另一个账户才能更改交易货币......

最近 Skrill 个客户问题

I deposited with Dana Wallet, the balance in the Fund was deducted but the transaction status on Skrill failed

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble with your Dana Wallet transaction. Please check to see if there was an issue with the payment method used, such as insufficient funds or if a payment limit was reached. If those potential issues aren't the cause, it's possible there could be a temporary issue with Skrill's system. Please be patient and give it a little time. If the issue persists, contact Skrill's customer support directly for further assistance. The link to their latest contact information is right here on this page. They'll be able to take a closer look at your specific situation and offer a solution.
询问时间:Jun 12, 2024 8:58 AM

Cancel transfer to my bank account if it's still in progress

Unfortunately, once a withdrawal request has been made on Skrill, it is generally not possible to cancel it if it's still in progress. This is due to the fact that once the withdrawal process has started, the transaction typically moves into the banking system where it's out of Skrill's control. We suggest you carefully review all the details before initiating a transfer to avoid any problems. If you still have issues or concerns, please immediately contact Skrill's customer support for further assistance even though they cannot guarantee a cancellation.
询问时间:Apr 12, 2024 3:42 AM

My account has been restricted. I am asked to provide a source of wealth

If your account has been restricted and you're asked to provide a source of wealth, this is part of Skrill's effort to combat fraudulent activity and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. You will need to provide documents proving your source of wealth. This might include a bank statement, proof of earnings (like a pay slip), or documents showing a property sale or inheritance. The exact documents required may vary depending upon your circumstances. Make sure any documents you submit are clear, readable, and up-to-date. Once the requested documents have been received and reviewed, Skrill will then lift your account restriction, provided everything is in order.
询问时间:Mar 25, 2024 5:43 PM

Your account was permanently closed

We're sorry, but as an assistant, we're only equipped to provide general guidance about Skrill's services. If your Skrill account has been permanently closed, it's best to reach out to Skrill's customer service team directly to inquire about the situation. We can't assist in re-opening accounts or addressing individual account issues. Skrill accounts can be closed for various reasons, including inactivity or violation of terms of service. A specific reason should be communicated to you by the Skrill team.
询问时间:Mar 6, 2024 11:11 PM

Cerré mi cuenta permanentemente y no puedo abrirla

Lamentamos oír que cerraste tu cuenta permanentemente con Skrill. Normalmente, una vez que una cuenta de Skrill se cierra de manera permanente, no puede reabrirse. Sin embargo, puedes abrir una nueva cuenta con un correo electrónico diferente al que utilizaste para la cuenta cerrada. Asegúrate de cumplir con las regulaciones de Skrill y proporcionar la información solicitada. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que los términos y condiciones de Skrill seguirán aplicándose con la nueva cuenta.
询问时间:Feb 19, 2024 10:51 PM


Account Management

我如何在 Skrill 上取消我的银行电汇?

在 Skrill 上取消银行电汇是一个快速而简单的过程。您可以在开始转账后 30 分钟内取消转账,...


Skrill 是一个在线汇款平台。以前,您必须开设另一个账户才能更改交易货币......


如果您想解除 Skrill 账户的限制,最好的选择是联系客户服务团队。支撑...


Skrill 用户只能拥有一个账户,违反服务条款可能会导致账户永久关闭。如果您关闭了您的账户...

我可以拥有多个 Skrill 账户吗?

不可以,根据 Skrill 的常见问题解答页面,个人只能拥有一个 Skrill 帐户。创建多个帐户违背...

Refunds and Withdrawals


有多种方法可以向 Skrill 申请退款。然而,您的时间安排意味着一切,因为一旦交易被处理......

从我的 Skrill 账户提取资金需要支付哪些费用?

从 Skrill 账户提款的费用取决于所选的提款方式。对于银行转账,费用为 5.50 欧元...

需要多长时间才能收到 Skrill 的提款?

从 Skrill 提款的处理时间可能会因各种因素而异。一般来说,通常需要 24 到...

我可以将资金从 Skrill 转入 PayPal 账户吗?

是的,您可以将资金从 Skrill 账户转入 PayPal 账户。 Skrill 提供了一种快速便捷的转账方式...

Payment Issues


要在您的 Skrill 账户中接收资金,请向汇款人提供您的电子邮件地址和电话号码。如果您在接收资金时遇到问题...


Skrill 提供安全的在线支付服务,只需提供电子邮件地址和密码即可。但是,可能会出现支付问题,例如 Skrill 卡被拒绝...

Security and Privacy

我的个人信息在 Skrill 中安全吗?

是的,您的个人信息在 Skrill 中是安全的。 Skrill 非常重视客户信息的安全和隐私......

Supported Services

Skrill 支持哪些国家/地区?

Skrill 支持全球 180 多个国家/地区。他们拥有广泛的网络,并不断扩大其影响范围以涵盖更多地区......

我可以使用 Skrill 进行在线赌博或投注吗?

是的,Skrill 可用于在线赌博或投注。 Skrill 为用户提供安全便捷的在线交易平台,...

Skrill 提供移动应用程序吗?

是的,Skrill 确实提供移动应用程序。 Skrill 移动应用程序可在 iOS 和 Android 平台上下载,允许用户...

