
Kayak 客户常见问题解答


Kayak 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Kayak 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

通过 Kayak 预订时可以赚取忠诚度积分或里程吗?

是的,通过 Kayak 预订时您可以赚取忠诚度积分或里程。 Kayak 提供了一项名为“赚取积分”的功能,可让您...

最近 Kayak 个客户问题

How Do I Change My Flight That I Booked on Kayak?

To change a flight booked on Kayak, you need to go through the airline directly, as Kayak is a travel search engine and does not handle ticket changes. Visit the airline's website or contact their customer service for assistance with changing your booking. Have your confirmation details handy for a smoother process.
询问时间:Mar 15, 2025 9:14 PM

How do i book Flight to Chennai from Sacramento from Sept16 to Oct 17

To book a flight from Sacramento to Chennai for the dates September 16 to October 17, you can use Kayak’s search tool. Enter Sacramento as your departure city and Chennai as your destination, then select your travel dates. Kayak will provide a list of available flights that you can compare based on price, duration, and other preferences. Once you find a suitable option, you can proceed with the booking directly through Kayak or the airline's website.
询问时间:Jul 20, 2024 6:10 PM

I need to know if my flight was reserved. I didn’t get a confirmation number

If you didn't get a confirmation number, it could be due to a glitch or the booking may not have been successfully completed. First, please check your email's inbox or spam folders. The confirmation could have ended up there. If that's not the case, please log into your Kayak account and look under "Trips" to see if your reservation appears. If your flight still doesn't show up, it's likely that your reservation didn't go through and we suggest rebooking your flight. Please note, rebooking should be done quickly to ensure you can secure your preferred flight.
询问时间:Mar 2, 2024 4:58 PM


Travel Booking Websites



Changing Bookings


本文介绍如何更改通过 Kayak.com 预订的航班的航班详细信息。因为Kayak既是第三方...

Booking Options

我可以在 Kayak 上预订酒店吗?

是的,您绝对可以在 Kayak 上预订酒店。 Kayak 是一个综合性的旅游搜索引擎,允许用户比较来自...的价格。

我可以通过 Kayak 租车吗?

是的,您可以通过 Kayak 租车。 Kayak 提供了一个轻松的平台,可以比较和预订来自各个值得信赖的提供商的汽车租赁...

Payment Methods

Kayak 接受哪些付款方式?

在 Kayak 上,我们接受各种付款方式,为我们的用户提供便利和灵活性。您可以在我们的平台上进行支付...


可以在 Kayak 上购买旅行保险吗?

是的,可以在 Kayak 上购买旅行保险。 Kayak 提供多种旅行保险选项,确保您安心无忧...

Multi-City Trips

我可以在 Kayak 上预订多城市旅行吗?

是的,Kayak 允许您预订多城市旅行。借助 Kayak 的多功能搜索引擎,您可以轻松计划和预订您的多城市...

Mobile App

有适用于 Kayak 的移动应用程序吗?

是的,有一个适用于 Kayak 的移动应用程序。 Kayak 移动应用程序旨在为用户提供无缝、便捷的旅行...

Loyalty Programs

通过 Kayak 预订时可以赚取忠诚度积分或里程吗?

是的,通过 Kayak 预订时您可以赚取忠诚度积分或里程。 Kayak 提供了一项名为“赚取积分”的功能,可让您...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Kayak 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Kayak 个问题

