
GE Appliances 客户常见问题解答


GE Appliances 的电话号码是多少?

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GE 设备目前是否有任何折扣或促销活动?

是的,目前 GE 设备有折扣和促销活动。我们经常举办各种促销优惠和回扣计划...
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最近 GE Appliances 个客户问题

What is the difference between model #php9036djbb and model #php9036dtbb?

The primary difference between model #PHP9036DJBB and model #PHP9036DTBB is the color finish. The "DJ" model usually comes in a black finish, while the "DT" model features a stainless steel finish. Both models are part of the same product line and offer similar features regarding performance and functionality.
询问时间:Dec 24, 2024 3:10 PM

My GE washer almost 6 years old has popped off the outer window during a spin cycle. Why?

There could be several reasons why the outer window of your GE washer popped off during the spin cycle, including excessive vibration, wear and tear on components, or an issue with the door lock mechanism. It’s important to check if the washer is level and not overloaded, as these factors can contribute to excessive movement. If the problem persists, it may be best to have a qualified technician inspect the machine to ensure all parts are functioning correctly and safely.
询问时间:Aug 26, 2024 3:58 PM

burner igniter will not turn off

If the burner igniter on your GE appliance won't turn off, it could be due to a few reasons such as a faulty igniter switch, a short in the wiring, or a malfunctioning control module. Unplug the appliance and inspect for any obvious issues or consider scheduling a service appointment with a qualified technician to diagnose and fix the problem safely.
询问时间:Jul 6, 2024 3:06 PM

Will a non ring meter fit a ring meter cover tsm420cscup

Hmmm... it's crucial to use components that are compatible with each other for safety and efficient operation. However, without knowing the exact specifications of your non-ring meter and the GE TSM420CSCUP ring meter cover, we can't confirm whether they're compatible or not. We recommend contacting a licensed electrician or your local electrical inspector for professional advice regarding this matter. Compatibility of electrical components is a matter of some seriousness and your safety should always come first.
询问时间:May 29, 2024 2:19 PM

water/ice dispenser in door leaks

If your GE Appliance's water/ice dispenser is leaking, it might be due to several reasons. It could be a problem with your water valve, the tubing might be blocked or damaged, or the water pressure to your appliance is too low. You might also want to make sure the ice maker isn't overfilling by checking the water inlet valve and the ice maker assembly. If it's a slow leak, it could be melting ice from the chute. Cleaning the ice chute or the dispenser area can help. Please remember that these are potential issues, and you might need a licensed repair person to accurately diagnose and fix the problem.
询问时间:May 24, 2024 2:07 PM

帮助我解决GE Appliances客户服务问题


如何注册我的 GE 设备?

要注册您的 GE 设备,您可以访问 GE Appliances 网站并按照提示创建帐户。一旦你设置...



要查找 GE 设备的用户手册,请访问我们的官方网站 geappliances.com。然后,导航到“支持”部分...


我的 GE 设备的保修期是多长?

GE 设备的保修期根据具体产品及其使用情况而有所不同。大多数 GE 设备都配有标准...


我可以直接从网站购买 GE 电器零件吗?

是的,您可以直接从我们的网站购买 GE 电器零件。我们的网站提供了一个方便可靠的购物平台...

Error Codes


如果您在 GE 设备上遇到错误代码,则表明存在需要注意的特定问题。错误代码提供...



定期维护对于确保 GE 设备的最佳性能和使用寿命至关重要。我们推荐几个关键的维护...


GE 设备目前是否有任何折扣或促销活动?

是的,目前 GE 设备有折扣和促销活动。我们经常举办各种促销优惠和回扣计划...
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