Dollar Shave Club 客户问答



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至于联系 Dollar Shave Club,您无法与客户服务代理进行实时电话交谈。相反,您需要查看其网站上的帮助文章,看看是否有符合您问题的内容。您最终可能可以提交一份描述您问题的表格,然后收到客户服务团队成员发来的电子邮件。


请务必查看下面列出的问题的完整答案。我们为 Dollar Shave Club 编写了内容丰富的分步指南,甚至可以解决最棘手的客户服务问题。
点击下方可显示1更多常见问题、解答以及常见Dollar Shave Club客户支持问题的完整指南。

客户与Dollar Shave Club联系的近期原因:

I ordered new razor blades last week and they don't fit the handles I purchased from yo...
I have been a satisfied DSC member for several years now and tried to include my son on...
I’ve placed three orders with dollar shave club on or around February **. The second of...
i cant figure out my log in and pass word i need to cancell all items due to not being...
My payment information will not update with my new card number. I have updated email a...
I recently moved. I found a stack of DSC cartridges that do not fit the handle I have...
I purchased product from a local retailer six months ago. Just recently when I purchase...
Ok I’m ** n not good on computers please don’t sent me to some secure link n go away pl...
I've sent you many messages on different sites trying to get the RIGHT Razor Blades the...
I have on many occasions asked for someone to get me a phone number.*I have used your p...
bought a razor and a box of four blades but the handle cant get the blades out what do i do
I am requsting a refund in the amount of **.** charged to my credit card for a pkg of b...


GetHuman是否可以与Dollar Shave Club一起使用?

GetHuman 不直接或以任何其他方式与 Dollar Shave Club 的客户支持部门合作。 GetHuman 与 Dollar Shave Club 没有任何合作关系或关系。 GetHuman 与世界各地的客户合作,编制最佳技巧和工具,以更快地联系呼叫中心并有效解决常见的客户问题。该网站上的大部分信息来自那些努力寻找最佳联系信息或解决问题并分享他们的故事的客户。此网站上的信息会经常编辑,但为了获得最准确和最新的联系信息,检查 Dollar Shave Club 自己的网站以获取有关致电其呼叫中心或向其呼叫中心发送消息的新信息或更多最新信息可能会很有用。如果您想帮助改善所有人的客户服务,请分享此页面!

一览联系Dollar Shave Club

