
Debenhams 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Debenhams 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。


是的,Debenhams 有一个名为 Debenhams Beauty Club 的忠诚计划。通过加入该计划,客户可以获得奖励、特别优惠……

最近 Debenhams 个客户问题

How do I get my order number to return my delivery

If you need your order number to return your delivery, check your confirmation email from when you placed your order. The order number is typically included in that email. Additionally, you can look in your account on the Debenhams website if you have registered an account, as your order history will contain the relevant details.
询问时间:Mar 5, 2025 7:15 PM

HOW DO i CONTACT dEBENHAM about an issue with returning an order

There is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page that you are viewing.
询问时间:Feb 28, 2025 8:31 AM

I would like to return a parcel but I need a print out label

To return a parcel to Debenhams, you can normally generate a return label online through their website. If you don’t have access to a printer, consider visiting a local printing service to print the label, or check if you can return the item to a store directly. Make sure to follow the instructions provided during the return process on their site.
询问时间:Jan 29, 2025 11:58 AM

So i made an order of 3 rugs on the 17th January at 2.30pm. I've received an email saying it was on it's way and nothing happened, not delivered! I then received another email asking how my order was

It sounds like there may have been an issue with your order delivery. We recommend checking the tracking information provided in the email for updates on its status. If the tracking details don't clarify the situation, please refer to the link on this page to find the most up-to-date contact information for further assistance.
询问时间:Jan 29, 2025 10:55 AM

Not received refund for item that I never received

If you haven't received a refund for an item that you didn't receive, we recommend checking the status of your order. If the order shows as delivered but you didn’t receive it, please look into the delivery details or consult your local delivery service. In case the refund is still pending, ensure that the return process was followed correctly. There is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page for further assistance regarding your refund.
询问时间:Jan 24, 2025 5:52 PM


Customer Support

我如何向 Debenhams 报告损坏的物品?

如果您从 Debenhams 购买了商品,但商品已损坏或有缺陷,请将商品退回商店、通过邮寄方式退回,或联系...


是的,Debenhams 提供前往各个国家/地区的国际运输。英国境外的客户可以通过...享受购物乐趣


是的,Debenhams 确实提供学生折扣。我们知道作为一名学生可能会面临经济上的挑战,这就是为什么我们......


不可以,Debenhams 只允许每个订单使用一个促销代码。无法组合或堆叠多个促销代码以获得额外的...


是的,Debenhams 的促销优惠可能不包括在内。排除情况可能会有所不同,具体取决于具体优惠或促销活动......

Order Management


要跟踪您的订单,只需登录您的 Debenhams 帐户并导航至订单历史记录部分即可。从那里,您将能够...


要取消 Debenhams 的订单,您需要尽快联系我们的客户服务团队。请提供您的订单号...

Gift Cards


要检查 Debenhams 礼品卡上的余额,您可以访问 Debenhams 网站并在...中输入礼品卡号和 PIN 码。

Return Policy

Debenhams 的退货政策是什么?

Debenhams 的退货政策允许顾客在购买后 28 天内退回未磨损和未改动的商品,无论是在店内还是通过邮寄......

Payment Methods


Debenhams 接受各种付款方式,为我们的客户提供便利和灵活性。您可以使用主要的借记卡和信用卡...

Reward Programs

Debenhams 美容俱乐部是什么?

Debenhams 美容俱乐部是专为美容爱好者设计的忠诚度计划。它提供了广泛的好处和...


是的,Debenhams 有一个名为 Debenhams Beauty Club 的忠诚计划。通过加入该计划,客户可以获得奖励、特别优惠……
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Debenhams 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Debenhams 个问题

