
iBotta 客户常见问题解答



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如何恢复对我的 iBotta 帐户的访问权限?

鉴于使用 iBotta 应用程序的优势,失去对该应用程序的访问权限可能会造成灾难性后果。你将失去奖金并且......


现金返还通常会在提交有效收据后 24 小时内存入您的 iBotta 帐户。然而,在某些情况下,它可能...

最近 iBotta 个客户问题

UPC not accepted of a product purchased that meets the offer

We're sorry to hear about the trouble you're experiencing. When using iBotta, the first thing to ensure is that the product you've purchased exactly matches the details in the offer. Sometimes even a slight variation can lead to errors. If you're positive the product matches the offer, try rescanning the barcode. If even then the UPC isn't accepted, there is a possibility of an error within the iBotta system, for which we apologize. In such cases, you can reach out to iBotta's customer support for assistance. They are responsive and dedicated to resolving such issues.
询问时间:Apr 22, 2024 7:50 PM

how do i use rewards at walmart

To use iBotta rewards at Walmart, you first need to earn cash back by completing tasks and purchasing products from your iBotta offers. Once you've earned at least $20, you can transfer the money from your iBotta account to a gift card for Walmart. Launch the iBotta application, select "Withdraw Cash" from the "Account" section. Select "Gift Cards", then choose Walmart from the list. Enter the amount and hit "Withdraw". An e-gift card will be sent to your email, which you can then use at Walmart. Please note that you must have a balance of at least $20 to withdraw.
询问时间:Apr 8, 2024 2:54 PM

I cannot open my Ibotta account. Can't access code they are sending to my email because I cannot access my email.

We're sorry to hear that you're having trouble accessing your iBotta account. Since you can't access your email, you'll need to regain access to recover your iBotta account. This is due to security reasons and to protect your personal information. We highly suggest seeking help from your email service provider to regain access to your email account. Once you have access to your email, you will be able to retrieve the code and log in to your iBotta account successfully.
询问时间:Mar 19, 2024 12:56 PM

No puedo entrar a mi cuenta de ibotta

Lamentamos los problemas que estás enfrentando. Asegúrate de que estás ingresando la información de inicio de sesión correcta. Si olvidaste tu contraseña, selecciona "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?" para restaurarla. Sin embargo, si estas teniendo otros problemas para acceder a tu cuenta, desafortunadamente, debes llegar al soporte de iBotta directamente ya que ellos tienen la capacidad de resolver el problema. Por razones de seguridad y privacidad, no tenemos la capacidad de acceder a los detalles de la cuenta del usuario.
询问时间:Feb 28, 2024 6:33 AM


Reporting Problems


当您的 iBotta 应用程序无法运行时,在向公司报告问题之前,您可以先检查几项内容。如果没有的话...

Account Issues

如何恢复对我的 iBotta 帐户的访问权限?

鉴于使用 iBotta 应用程序的优势,失去对该应用程序的访问权限可能会造成灾难性后果。你将失去奖金并且......

Withdrawal Process

如何从 iBotta 提款?


Cash Back Timing


现金返还通常会在提交有效收据后 24 小时内存入您的 iBotta 帐户。然而,在某些情况下,它可能...

Store Compatibility

我可以在任何商店使用 iBotta 吗?

是的,iBotta 可与多种商店一起使用。该应用程序与各种零售商合作,包括杂货店、药店……

Online Purchases

我可以使用 iBotta 进行在线购买吗?

不可以,iBotta 不能用于在线购买。目前,iBotta 仅支持店内购买。要赚取现金返还,您需要...

Earning Limits


是的,您可以通过 iBotta 赚取的现金返还金额有一定的限制。首先,返还现金的最高金额...

App Compatibility

我可以将 iBotta 与其他优惠券或折扣应用程序一起使用吗?

是的,您可以将 iBotta 与其他优惠券或折扣应用程序一起使用。 iBotta 旨在与其他储蓄应用程序兼容,让您...

Referral Program

iBotta 是否有针对影响者或博主的推荐计划?

是的,iBotta 提供了专为影响者和博主设计的推荐计划。通过这个计划,有影响力的人和博主......