
eTrade 客户常见问题解答


eTrade 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 eTrade 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。


如果您发现自己的 eTrade 帐户被锁定,您可以快速轻松地重置密码。在登录页面中,单击...

如何关闭我的 eTrade 账户?

eTrade 投资者因各种原因关闭账户。他们是不想再使用该平台还是宁愿退出......

最近 eTrade 个客户问题

How can i replace the mobile number for verification

To replace your mobile number for verification on eTrade, log into your account and navigate to your profile settings. There, you should find a section labeled 'Security' or 'Account Preferences'. After selecting that section, you can update your contact information, including your phone number. Remember that after updating and saving your changes, the new number will be used for all future verification procedures. Ensure the number you enter is correct and you have access to it for receiving verification codes.
询问时间:Mar 25, 2024 11:07 AM

I changed my phone number and can't login

If you've changed your phone number and can't log into eTrade, you may need to update your security settings. If you've established two-factor authentication, your old phone number may still be registered for confirmation codes. Unfortunately, we can't handle this process directly. You should reach out to eTrade's customer service to discuss security measures and steps to update or change your phone number. Please make sure to have your personal information ready to verify your identity with eTrade's customer service. They should be able to assist you further from there.
询问时间:Mar 14, 2024 7:36 AM

Sorry, we were unable to match your name with the mobile number you provided.

Since we are only here to provide general assistance, specific account issues such as name and mobile number discrepancies are beyond our scope to resolve directly. It's likely that the information provided during the registration process didn't match up correctly. We suggest checking the information you've entered for any possible mistakes, ensuring that your name is spelled correct and the phone number is accurate. Remember, maintaining updated and accurate personal information is crucial for the eTrade platform to provide a seamless and secure user experience.
询问时间:Mar 11, 2024 5:03 PM

Can’t log in. Wrong mobile number

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble logging into your eTrade account due to having the wrong mobile number. Unfortunately, you cannot correct this problem through the website or app yourself. For your security, it's recommended to contact eTrade customer service directly, they will verify your identity and help you update your mobile number. You can also visit an eTrade branch if you have one nearby. We recommend that you have some form of ID and any associated account numbers ready to help make the process smoother.
询问时间:Mar 7, 2024 12:54 PM

unable to match your name with the mobile number you provided

We're sorry for any inconvenience this may be causing you. To fix a mismatch between your name and mobile number in your eTrade account, please make sure you've entered your accurate and up-to-date information. If you're still having trouble, it could be due to a technical issue or an error in the information on file with eTrade. Confirm that your personal information, including your mobile number, is correct in the settings of your eTrade account. If the issue persists, you might need to contact eTrade directly for account-specific help. Keep in mind not to share your personal account information via email or unverified phone calls for security reasons.
询问时间:Mar 5, 2024 2:33 AM


Password and Account Management


如果您发现自己的 eTrade 帐户被锁定,您可以快速轻松地重置密码。在登录页面中,单击...


恢复被黑客入侵的 eTrade 帐户需要立即采取行动并仔细注意细节。当你发现任何东西时,不要浪费任何时间...

如何重置我的 eTrade 用户名和密码?

总之,E-Trade 是最古老的在线经纪平台,人们可以在其中买卖股票、共同基金、交易所交易基金……

Account Closure and Set-Up

如何关闭我的 eTrade 账户?

eTrade 投资者因各种原因关闭账户。他们是不想再使用该平台还是宁愿退出......

如何在 eTrade 开设账户?

通过 eTrade 等在线平台,交易变得简单且方便。通过这些在线投资平台,您可以...



Funds Transfer





如何使用 eTrade 在线转账?

E-Trade 提供投资工具、支票账户和储蓄账户等金融服务。要进行任何交易,您将...

Stock Trading

我如何在 eTrade 上购买股票?


我如何在 eTrade 上出售股票?

投资股票市场时,eTrade 为您提供财务投资的自主权。虽然可能没有多少人知道执行...

Account Information


发现您的 eTrade 账户中的余额不正确可能会令人担忧,但通过遵循正确的步骤,您可以采取适当的...



Security Measures

如何在我的 eTrade 账户上设置双因素授权?



虽然该过程很简单,但您可以随时联系 24/7 全天候提供帮助的电子贸易客户服务......

Payments and Billings


电子检查是一种迅速流行的趋势。要使用 ACH 网络在线发送支票,您首先必须...


网上信用卡缴费快捷方便。您可以通过 IMPS 下载手机银行应用程序来完成此操作。下载后,...

Card Services

如何订购新的 eTrade 借记卡?

您可以通过完成 E-Trade 网站上的步骤来申请 E-Trade 借记卡,也可以联系客户支持代理:...



Credit Card Management

如何取消我的 eTrade 信用卡

E-Trade 拥有信用卡系统,可以轻松购买产品和服务。有些原因可能会让您取消信用卡,...