
Udemy 客户常见问题解答



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如何获得 Udemy 证书?

您可以通过网络浏览器和移动应用程序下载 Udemy 证书。只需登录您的帐户,查看课程,然后点击...


Udemy 帐户恢复对于您继续享受他们的教育课程至关重要。如果您的 Udemy 帐户遭到泄露,您可以重新获得...

最近 Udemy 个客户问题

Is it possible to change course, please? From The Ultimate React course to Complete To Building an app with .Net core and React. I bought wrong course. My mail is: astalemu@gmail.com, Thanks for you help.

Udemy has a 30-day refund policy. If you've purchased a course within the last 30 days and you're unhappy with your purchase, you can request a refund. While Udemy does not directly allow to switch courses, the refund system essentially allows you to do the same thing: you can claim a refund for the course you wrongly purchased and use that refund to buy the correct course. We suggest you take this action as soon as possible to ensure the 30-day refund period does not elapse. Please note that refund requests should be submitted via the course page on Udemy's website.
询问时间:Apr 17, 2024 6:32 AM

I have payed money but not asked for any courses

If you've been charged but haven't enrolled in any courses, it could be due to a misunderstanding or a technical glitch. It's important to make sure whether the transaction has proceeded correctly or not. Check your Udemy purchases in your account, under "My Courses". If you don't see any new courses there corresponding to your payment, contact Udemy's support team immediately. They will assist you with checking the transaction and ensuring your money is correctly applied toward the course you desire to take.
询问时间:Apr 6, 2024 12:43 PM

I paid for the course but not able it to start it

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble starting your Udemy course. First, make certain you're logged into the account you used to purchase the course. If you're logged in correctly, you'll see the course under "My Courses". Click on the course, and then click on "Start" or "Resume Course" to begin. If you've done all this correctly and are still having issues, it could be due to a temporary server error or a bug. Wait a while and try again. If the issue persists, then there's the possibility that there is a technical issue. Keep in mind that Udemy courses can be accessed on different browsers and devices, so you can attempt to access your course through another browser or device to potentially resolve the issue.
询问时间:Apr 6, 2024 3:39 AM

My account email was configured with MFA

At Udemy, there is currently no Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) options to configure your account's email. The primary security method is through your password. If you suspect your account has been compromised, you can change your password. Always remember to use a strong and unique password, and never share it with others. In case you forgot your password, you can reset it by clicking "Forgot password" on the login page and you'll receive an email with password reset instructions. For enhanced security, regularly updating your password is recommended.
询问时间:Apr 4, 2024 2:23 PM

How do I apply courses if I have a subscription

If you have a Udemy Pro subscription, you can apply to courses covered by the subscription without any individual course fees. After logging into your account, you can navigate directly to the course overview page. There will be an option "Start Learning Now," click on it and you will be enrolled in your chosen course right away. Please note, your subscription only covers courses within the subscription, not all courses on Udemy's platform. Any courses outside your subscription would need to be purchased separately.
询问时间:Apr 3, 2024 9:42 PM


Account and Access

如何获得 Udemy 证书?

您可以通过网络浏览器和移动应用程序下载 Udemy 证书。只需登录您的帐户,查看课程,然后点击...


Udemy 帐户恢复对于您继续享受他们的教育课程至关重要。如果您的 Udemy 帐户遭到泄露,您可以重新获得...


如果您错过了 Udemy 课程,您可以采取一些步骤来找出问题所在并恢复课程。这...


我如何从 Udemy 获得退款?

Udemy 为您提供多种高质量课程和引人入胜的内容。您可以使用这些课程来提升您的职业生涯或...

