Ring Doorbells 客户常见问题解答


Ring Doorbells 的电话号码是多少?

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是的,您可以将 Ring Doorbell 连接到其他智能家居设备。环形门铃旨在与各种无缝集成...
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最近 Ring Doorbells 个客户问题

Need to purchase two security screws.

Sure, you can purchase replacement security screws for your Ring Doorbell. Depending on your model, the screw type may vary. Many home improvement stores carry them, and online platform such as Amazon also sell replacement packs. Alternatively, on the Ring website itself, they sell spare parts kits for various models, which include the corresponding security screws. Always double-check the screw size and type to ensure compatibility with your specific Ring Doorbell model.
询问时间:May 18, 2024 3:42 PM

The chime has stopped working and just had a flashing blue light

If your Ring Doorbell's chime is not working and the device is just showing a flashing blue light, it generally means that it's not connected to your network. Power cycle your doorbell by completely disconnecting it from its power source for about 10 seconds and then reconnecting it. After doing this, you should be able to reconnect the Ring Doorbell to your network via the Ring app. If this doesn't solve your issue, a reset might be needed. You can do this by pressing and holding the setup button (you might need a paperclip or something similar) for 20 seconds. Then, set up the device again in your Ring app.
询问时间:May 11, 2024 12:21 PM

I Want to cancel my ring subscription.

You can cancel your Ring Protect Plan subscription at any time online. Here are the steps: 1. Go to Ring.com and log in to your account. 2. Select the dropdown menu on the top right corner and choose "My Plans." 3. Here, you can see all the devices with active subscriptions. Click on the "Cancel Plan" button next to the subscription you want to end. 4. Follow the prompts to confirm cancellation. Once cancellation is done, you'll retain the benefits of the subscribed plan until the end of your paid billing cycle. Following that, you'll lose access to any videos saved in your account.
询问时间:Apr 15, 2024 11:37 PM

install ring doorbell with digital chime

To install a Ring Doorbell with a digital chime, first, download and setup the Ring app on your smartphone. Follow the in-app steps to set up your Ring account. Now, to set up the hardware, turn off power at the breaker. With the included screws and anchors, mount the bracket at your desired location. Wire the provided power cables, if there are existing doorbell wires, to the bracket. Secure the Ring Doorbell to the bracket and make sure your device is getting power. Within the Ring app, choose "Doorbell Kit Settings" from the Device Settings, and then set ‘Ring my in-home doorbell’ to the correct setting for your setup (Mechanical or Digital). Finish the installation by restoring power at the breaker.
询问时间:Apr 8, 2024 9:14 PM

doorbell chimes when motion sensor is activated

That is correct. The Ring Doorbell has a motion sensor feature that will cause the doorbell to chime when it detects motion. You can adjust the sensitivity of the motion sensor in your Ring Doorbell's settings, as well as the specific areas for it to monitor. Remember, excessive notifications may occur if the motion sensitivity is set too high or the monitored area is too large. You can also set a motion schedule to disable motion alerts during certain times of day.
询问时间:Apr 8, 2024 8:42 PM

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Ring Protect Plan


Ring Protect Plan 是 Ring Doorbells 提供的一项订阅服务,可增强您的家庭安全体验。具有名义...

Device Connectivity




是的,您可以将 Ring Doorbell 连接到其他智能家居设备。环形门铃旨在与各种无缝集成...

Remote Viewing



Subscription-Free Usage


是的,您无需订阅即可使用门铃。名为 Ring Protect 的订阅服务提供了额外的功能......

Battery Life




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