
Payoneer 客户常见问题解答


Payoneer 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Payoneer 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。


您的 Payoneer 账户被封锁、暂停或搁置的原因有很多。解决任何问题并返回的最佳方法...


本文提供的说明可帮助您在因忘记而无法登录时恢复 Payoneer 用户名和密码...

最近 Payoneer 个客户问题

My account is blocked how do I recover it.I can't sign in to it

If you're unable to sign into your Payoneer account because it's blocked, it's best to immediately contact Payoneer's Customer Care team directly. The team can assist you with verifying your information to regain access to your account. Provide as much detail as possible about your situation to expedite the recovery process. Please note that for your security, Payoneer may temporarily block accounts that detect unusual or suspicious activity.
询问时间:Apr 18, 2024 2:33 AM

why my balance is disabled in my payoneer account

Your Payoneer balance could be disabled for several reasons such as if Payoneer suspects any fraudulent activity, compliance issues, or you have violated any of their terms of service. It might also happen if you need to update your account information or verify your identity. Often, Payoneer will send you an email detailing the problem and offering steps to resolve it. It's important to check your email and respond to any communications from Payoneer. If you didn't receive such communication, it would be best to contact Payoneer's customer support to get more information on your account status. Always ensure to comply with all of Payoneer's rules and regulations to prevent account difficulties in the future.
询问时间:Apr 11, 2024 7:44 PM

Please assist with approving invoice sent to verification center on payoneer account

We're sorry, but as an FAQ guide, we don't have the ability to directly assist with approving invoices sent to the Payoneer Verification Center. Please ensure that all the information included on the invoice is correct and clear. Also, ensure that all requested documents have been uploaded, as this will speed up the approval process. Typically, approval can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days depending on the specifics. If you're having difficulty, it might be helpful to reach out to Payoneer's customer service for further assistance.
询问时间:Apr 10, 2024 10:56 PM

i fondi non sono mai arrivati sul mio conto bancario

Ci dispiace sentire che i tuoi fondi non sono arrivati sul tuo conto bancario. Ci potrebbero essere diversi motivi, come dettagli del conto bancario errati, ritardi nella banca ricevente o problemi con il trasferimento stesso. Solitamente, i fondi arrivano entro 2-5 giorni lavorativi, ma potrebbe richiedere più tempo a seconda del paese e della banca. Se i fondi non sono arrivati dopo un periodo di tempo ragionevole, ti consigliamo di controllare i dettagli del tuo conto bancario su Payoneer e verificare che tutto sia corretto. Se tutti i dettagli sono corretti, potrebbe essere necessario contattare Payoneer per una ulteriore assistenza. Ricorda che Payoneer è impegnato a fornire un servizio affidabile e sicuro.
询问时间:Apr 9, 2024 1:39 PM

Has my Payoneer account been approved

We're unable to directly check the status of your Payoneer account. Approval status can be typically found in the email you provided during registration. Payoneer usually sends an email once the account has been reviewed and either approved or denied. If you've recently applied and have not received any communication, check your spam or junk folder. If you’re still unsure, you can directly log into your Payoneer account to check for any updates or notifications. Remember, approval typically takes several business days.
询问时间:Apr 8, 2024 11:50 AM


Activating Payoneer Card

如何激活我的 Payoneer 卡?

完成上述步骤后,您将完全激活您的 Payoneer 卡并充分使用其所有服务。请记住,Payoneer...

Account Issues


您的 Payoneer 账户被封锁、暂停或搁置的原因有很多。解决任何问题并返回的最佳方法...


本文提供的说明可帮助您在因忘记而无法登录时恢复 Payoneer 用户名和密码...

Transfers and Withdrawals

我可以将资金从我的 Payoneer 账户转移到另一个 Payoneer 账户吗?

是的,可以将资金从一个 Payoneer 账户转移到另一个 Payoneer 账户。 Payoneer 提供便捷且安全的...

使用 Payoneer 卡从 ATM 取款的最大限额是多少?

使用 Payoneer 卡从 ATM 取款的最大限额取决于您拥有的卡类型及其所属的网络。...


资金转入您当地银行账户的时间可能会因各种因素而异。然而,Payoneer 通常...

Fees and Charges

使用 Payoneer 账户需要支付每月维护费吗?

不需要,使用 Payoneer 账户无需支付每月维护费。 Payoneer 坚信提供透明且...

Currency and Payments

我可以通过 Payoneer 接收多种货币的付款吗?

是的,您可以通过 Payoneer 接收多种货币的付款。 Payoneer 提供全球支付服务,让您可以接收...

Online Shopping

我可以使用 Payoneer 进行网上购物吗?

是的,您可以使用 Payoneer 进行网上购物。 Payoneer 提供预付万事达卡,可用于在线购物。一次...

Lost Card

如果我丢失 Payoneer 卡会怎样?

如果您不小心丢失了 Payoneer 卡,请务必立即采取行动以确保您的资金安全。第一步...

Balance Requirement

Payoneer 账户有最低余额要求吗?

不需要,Payoneer 账户没有最低余额要求。 Payoneer 允许用户开设和维护帐户,而无需...


我可以针对通过我的 Payoneer 账户进行的交易申请退款吗?

是的,您可以针对通过 Payoneer 账户进行的交易申请退款。如果您遇到交易问题,例如...