
OpenTable 客户常见问题解答


OpenTable 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 OpenTable 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

我可以提前多久在 OpenTable 上预订?

您可以在餐厅允许的情况下提前在 OpenTable 上进行预订。预订的可用性可能...

最近 OpenTable 个客户问题

How do I talk with a human and not a robot about my email change problem ---I have tried going over and over the chat process and it just says technical difficulties. Please help me.

There is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page that you are viewing. This will help you reach a human for assistance with your email change problem.
询问时间:Dec 12, 2024 7:17 PM

How do I correct a No-Show acct cancellation?

If your account has been canceled due to a no-show, you may need to reach out to OpenTable to have it reviewed. We recommend checking the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page to get assistance with correcting the cancellation.
询问时间:Nov 26, 2024 10:18 PM

my account seems to be locked out

If your OpenTable account is locked, it may be due to multiple unsuccessful login attempts or security measures. You can reset your password by following the "Forgot Password?" link on the login page. If you continue to experience issues, it's best to check the most up-to-date contact information linked on this page for assistance.
询问时间:Nov 1, 2024 5:12 PM

I corrected my email address on my old acct I have had for many years (with many points) and now my membership says I joined today and have 0 points. How do I recover my points?

In cases where you're seeing zero points after an email update, usually it means that a new account was unintentionally created instead of updating the existing one. We can't merge accounts or transfer points on our end. Our suggestion would be to log in using your original email address where your points should still be intact. It's crucial to use the exact email address that was associated with your account originally. If trouble persists, get in touch with OpenTable’s customer service for further assistance.
询问时间:Apr 3, 2024 4:47 PM



如何取消 OpenTable 上的预订?

无论是使用网站还是应用程序,取消 OpenTable 上的预订都很容易。请务必至少提前 24 小时进行,...

Group Reservations


是的,OpenTable 允许您为大型团体进行预订。无论您是在筹划公司活动、生日庆祝活动,还是...

Late Arrivals



New Restaurant Reservation

我可以预订 OpenTable 上未列出的餐厅吗?

是的,您可以预订 OpenTable 上未列出的餐厅。虽然 OpenTable 提供了庞大的参与网络...

Modify Reservation

我可以修改 OpenTable 上的现有预订吗?

是的,您可以修改 OpenTable 上的现有预留。只需登录您的 OpenTable 帐户并找到您想要的预订...


使用 OpenTable 需要付费吗?

不需要,使用 OpenTable 无需付费。 OpenTable 完全免费供用户在线预订餐厅。没有...

Cross-city Reservations


是的,您可以使用 OpenTable 预订不同城市的餐厅。 OpenTable 允许您搜索和预订...

Mobile App

什么是 OpenTable 移动应用程序以及如何下载它?

OpenTable 移动应用程序是一种直接通过智能手机进行餐厅预订和发现新餐饮选择的便捷方式...

Special Occasions

我可以使用 OpenTable 预订特殊场合的餐厅吗?

是的,一点没错! OpenTable 非常适合为任何特殊场合预订餐厅。无论是生日庆典、周年纪念日...

Advance Reservations

我可以提前多久在 OpenTable 上预订?

您可以在餐厅允许的情况下提前在 OpenTable 上进行预订。预订的可用性可能...
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