
Expedia 客户常见问题解答


Expedia 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Expedia 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何重置我的 Expedia 密码和电子邮件?

如果您需要重置 Expedia 密码或电子邮件,只需几个简单的步骤即可在线完成。如果您忘记了密码,...


更改您的 Expedia 电子邮件地址既快捷又简单。我们在本指南中帮助您快速轻松地做到这一点。首先,您将登录...

最近 Expedia 个客户问题

How can I get my trip protection plan on my email, I paid for that with mu Jet Blue reservation?

If you've purchased a trip protection plan with your JetBlue reservation through Expedia, you should be able to find confirmation details in the email associated with your booking. If you didn't receive it, check your spam or junk folders as well. Alternatively, there may be an option in your Expedia account under your bookings to view your trip protection plan details.
询问时间:Mar 21, 2025 10:38 PM

Can I change my itinerary so that I do not have to pass through the UK to get to Malta? I would also wish to get o Malta on March on April 5. My itinerary number is 73005281163497

We understand your desire to change your itinerary. To explore options for altering your travel plans and avoiding a layover in the UK, please check the available alternatives through your travel management tools or options provided in your account. You can also review any potential fees or restrictions related to making changes. Your itinerary number can assist in identifying your booking during this process.
询问时间:Mar 21, 2025 9:17 PM

How do I change departure flight when Expedia won’t let me

If you are unable to change your departure flight through Expedia, it could be due to the airline’s policies or specific fare rules. Check if your ticket type allows changes. If it does, you may need to contact the airline directly for assistance, as some changes can only be made through them. There is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page for your convenience.
询问时间:Mar 21, 2025 3:04 AM

american airline won’t refund my tickets

If American Airlines has a specific refund policy that does not allow for refunds under certain conditions, we recommend reviewing their policies on cancellations and refunds. For issues related to your tickets purchased through Expedia, ensure you have checked your booking details, as there could be restrictions based on fare rules. If you need further assistance regarding your booking, refer to the most up-to-date contact information provided on this page.
询问时间:Mar 18, 2025 9:55 PM

Get refunded on a car rental that didn't happen

If you booked a car rental through Expedia and did not use it, you may be eligible for a refund depending on the rental company's policy and the terms of your booking. To initiate a refund, you should check the cancellation policy associated with your reservation and follow the provided instructions for cancellation. If you are unable to resolve it, please refer to the link on this page for the most up-to-date contact information to inquire further.
询问时间:Mar 12, 2025 3:16 PM


Password and Account Management

如何重置我的 Expedia 密码和电子邮件?

如果您需要重置 Expedia 密码或电子邮件,只需几个简单的步骤即可在线完成。如果您忘记了密码,...


更改您的 Expedia 电子邮件地址既快捷又简单。我们在本指南中帮助您快速轻松地做到这一点。首先,您将登录...

Booking and Reservations

在 Expedia 上预订的最低年龄要求是多少?

在 Expedia 上预订的最低年龄要求为 18 岁。儿童可以使用该网站,但必须有人陪同...

如何从 Expedia 获得退款?

您可以通过多种方式从 Expedia 获得退款。假设您通过 Expedia 应用程序或网站预订了旅行安排......

如何在 Expedia 上更改我的航班?

生活充其量是不可预测的,Expedia 理解如果生活发生阻碍,您需要更改您的航班。你可以改变...


您将通过您的电子邮件地址收到 Expedia 订单的预订确认信息。公司在15分钟内发送确认邮件...


Expedia 是旅行相关预订的绝佳选择。客户还可以通过每次预订赚取积分,这些积分可以兑换折扣...


本指南提供了在 Expedia 上修改酒店预订的分步方法。其中包括登录您的...


不可以,通过 Expedia 办理入住后无法更改酒店预订。登记入住后,预订...

我可以使用我的 Expedia 帐户为其他人预订航班吗?

是的,您可以使用您的 Expedia 帐户为其他人预订航班。该过程简单且方便。只需登录...

Expedia 的航班取消政策是什么?

Expedia 航班取消政策因航空公司和票价类别而异。在大多数情况下,通过...预订的航班

Adding Properties and Services


营销活动对于任何试图赚取更多利润的小型或大型企业都至关重要。作为 Expedia 集团合作伙伴,酒店...


Expedia 允许您在想要旅行时租用您选择的汽车。如果您想延长汽车的使用寿命...

Customer Support




要对 Expedia 帐户中的意外或错误收费提出异议,请查看平台的服务条款并联系客户支持...

Booking Management


Expedia 的受欢迎程度源于其简单的预订流程。您可以通过登录轻松管理预订并查看行程...


要取消 Expedia 上的预订,请访问其网站,找到“帮助”部分,单击“取消您的酒店或度假租赁预订”...

Payment Methods

Expedia 接受哪些付款方式?

Expedia 接受多种付款方式以满足客户偏好。目前,Expedia 接受的付款方式包括...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Expedia 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Expedia 个问题