
Asos 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Asos 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。


不,您不需要帐户即可在 Asos 下订单。我们提供宾客结帐选项,让您无需...即可进行购买。


不可以,Asos 目前仅提供将订单运送到单个地址的选项。如果您想将物品运送到多个地址,您...

最近 Asos 个客户问题

I do not see my order and I have been charged

It can take up to an hour for your order to appear on your account once you've made a purchase. If you've been charged but your order is not appearing after that time frame, it's likely an issue with the order being processed. Though it may appear as though you’ve been charged, what you’re seeing is actually a pre-authorization. This is a common bank practice handling credit card transactions to ensure sufficient funds and account authenticity. This pre-authorization will clear (and you will not be charged) since the order was unsuccessful. If the charge doesn't clear automatically, we recommend contacting your bank or card provider.
询问时间:May 9, 2024 1:09 PM

I’m trying to contact asos because my return barcode doesn’t scan at post office

This sort of situation can be frustrating. If your return barcode isn't scanning at the post office, it might be due to damage or print quality issues on the label. We advise reprinting the return label and ensuring the print quality is high. Make sure the barcode isn't wrinkled or smudged, as this can interfere with scanning. If after these steps, it's still not scanning at the post office, you may need to seek help from a different post office to verify if their scanners can read your return barcode or not.
询问时间:Apr 11, 2024 8:02 AM

I need help with a return. I never received an email confirmation order number or packing slip.

We understand that you need assistance with a return. Typically, you would use your order number or packing slip. However, if you don't have these, you can still proceed with the return by using the card or the account you used to place the order. Please pack the item securely and follow the return procedure on the Asos website. Additionally, if the email confirmation is missing, check your spam or junk folder, as sometimes the emails can end up there. Alternatively, if you have an Asos account, you can see your order history online, where you'll find the order number needed for the return.
询问时间:Mar 22, 2024 3:54 PM

I need to make a return but there is no trace of my order on my account

If you can't see your order in your account, it's likely that you may have checked out as a guest or used a different email address. In these cases, your order details won't be linked to your account. However, you can still return your items. Check your emails for your confirmation where you'll find your order details. Follow the instructions there to process your return. If you still have problems finding your order, double-check your junk or spam folders in case the confirmation email ended up there.
询问时间:Mar 11, 2024 8:53 AM

Can I use the same return label on multiple packages before items won’t fit in 1 package

Unfortunately, each return should have its own return label. This is because each label corresponds to the specific items you're sending back. Using the same label for multiple packages may create confusion and could possibly lead to your returns not being processed correctly. If your items won't fit into one package, you would need to print a return label for each package. This ensures each returned item is tracked and processed efficiently. We understand this might be little inconvenient but it's really important to ensure that your returns are managed accurately. Thank you for understanding.
询问时间:Feb 16, 2024 6:50 AM




尽管 ASOS 总部位于英国伦敦,但他们确实为美国客户提供免费退货服务。阅读这些有用的提示...

Asos 的退货政策是什么?

ASOS 拥有灵活且客户友好的退货政策。他们接受自交货之日起 28 天内的全价退货...


不可以,Asos 没有实体店,因此您无法在店内退货。作为一家纯在线零售商,Asos 允许客户...


ASOS 的退货处理时间通常需要大约 14 天(从收到退货之日起)。一旦他们有...

Order Tracking


如果您需要有关 Asos 订单的帮助,可以联系客户支持团队。联系 Asos 的最佳方式是通过电子邮件。送他们...

Order Changes


是的,您可以在下单后取消或更改订单,但前提是订单尚未发货。 Asos 致力于处理...

Payment Methods

Asos 接受哪些付款方式?

Asos 接受多种支付方式,以确保便捷、安全的购物体验。客户可以方便地支付他们的...

Account Requirement


不,您不需要帐户即可在 Asos 下订单。我们提供宾客结帐选项,让您无需...即可进行购买。

Shipping Options


是的,Asos 为客户提供快递选项。该服务可以更快地交付您订购的商品。与快递...

Multiple Addresses


不可以,Asos 目前仅提供将订单运送到单个地址的选项。如果您想将物品运送到多个地址,您...