免费 · 24 hours, 7 days · Press 0 at the first menu, then press 0 at the next menu. · For roadside assistance, press 1. For policyholder, press 2. For agent, press 3. For medical provider, press 4. For all others, press 5. · 可用的免费工具:代我通话、无需等待、安排我的通话
"Thanks for calling Nationwide.
To ensure excellent service, calls may be monitored and recorded for business purposes.
And your voice may be used for verification.
First, I'll need to look up your information.
Which best describes you? A current account holder, a financial professional, or someone else?
Sure. I can connect you with a representative.
But knowing what you're calling about can help me better direct your call."
与 Nationwide Insurance 的通话摘录
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 2:43 PM
"Thanks for calling Nationwide.
This call may be recorded and monitored for business purposes.
And your voice may be used for verification. You may learn more about nationwide privacy practices at nationwide dot com forward slash privacy.
Ten ninety nines will be mailed prior to January thirty first twenty twenty five.
Please allow until February tenth to be received by mail.
Ten ninety nines are typically available on the website the first week of February.
First, I'll need to look up your information.
Which best describes you, a current account holder, a financial professional, or someone else?
I didn't get that.
To best help you, I need to know, are you a life insurance policy or annuity account holder, a financial professional, or someone else?
Thanks. For security purposes, enter your Social Security number using your phone's keypad."
与 Nationwide Insurance 的通话摘录
Sunday, February 9, 2025 8:41 PM
And what's your date of birth? Say or enter it now."
与 Nationwide Insurance 的通话摘录
Sunday, December 22, 2024 5:38 PM
"I didn't get that. To best help you, I'll need to look up your account, which requires using your Social Security number."
与 Nationwide Insurance 的通话摘录
Saturday, January 18, 2025 6:34 PM
"Thanks for calling Nationwide, To ensure excellent service, calls may be monitored and recorded for business purposes.
And your voice may be used for verification.
Let me get your information. Please say or enter the contract or policy number you're calling about.
To enter letters, use the corresponding number on your phone.
If you don't have it, just say, I don't know it or press zero.
If you need additional time while entering your contract number or have made a mistake while entering it, press one, and you'll be given the opportunity to reenter it.
To continue without reentering your contract number, press two."
与 Nationwide Insurance 的通话摘录
Thursday, October 24, 2024 5:58 PM
"Are you calling about an annuity?
For retirement plans, say retirement plans.
I'm sorry. I didn't get that.
If you're calling about an annuity, say annuity or press one.
Say annuity or press one.
For life insurance, say life insurance or press two."
Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.