
免费·Customer Service·无法访问现场代表
Q:我如何在 Craigslist 联系到真人?
A:您无法通过此电话号码与真人通话。我们建议您点击以下链接查看他们的主要客户服务电话号码和其他联系信息。 Craigslist 主要客户服务电话号码和联系信息
Q:Craigslist提供 24 小时客户服务吗?


415-399-5200 - 客户服务
主要电话号码 · Press 8 for billing. Their extension system is now single digits. · Law enforcement, press 4. Press inquiries, press 5. Issues related to paid posting, press 7. Billing and credit card issues, press 8.


尽管这个 Craigslist 号码无法接通有真人值班的呼叫中心,但 GetHuman 的研究人员仍然会定期拨打该号码以记录电话系统。
此电话号码全是录音。当我们的研究团队拨打电话时,我们仍会记录任何重要的变化或信息,这样您就不必亲自打电话来了解情况。以下是他们最新的总结: Listen to prompts. Only for calls for Law Enforcement.
以下是我们的研究团队对Craigslist电话系统问候方式的描述: Law enforcement, press 4. Press inquiries, press 5. Issues related to paid posting, press 7. Billing and credit card issues, press 8.

我拨打此号码 Craigslist 的经历

Oct 6, 2023

The Craigslist customer service number appears to be targeted for specific inquiries. The automated answering system greeted me with, “Thank you for calling Craigslist.” It said if I knew my party’s extension, I could dial it anytime. Since this didn't apply to me, I simply waited for further instructions.

The system informed me that the call may be recorded. If I wanted to know about free postings, I could go to the help pages on the Craigslist website. The system gave me the following options for various inquiries: Press “4” for law enforcement. I assume that choice might be for a law enforcement agency investigating criminal activity. For media inquiries, press “5.” Press “7” for information on paid postings, and to get help with billing or credit card issues, press “8.” I wanted to know where to look for legitimate home-based work opportunities on the site.

I waited for the system to offer more selections but heard, “We have not received a valid response; please try again.” I pressed “7,” assuming that since it referenced paid postings, I might be able to ask a question about home-based job opportunities. The response to that selection was to email and include a phone number.

I didn't get the help I needed by calling the customer service number the first time. I expected to speak to an associate; however, there was no offer to talk to anyone and no way to leave a number for someone to return my call. If I tried again without pressing any selections, I thought I might get to speak with a customer service associate.

The second time I called, I listened to the recommendations but did not press a number. After a “We have not heard a valid response” message, I remained on the line. I hoped to get further instructions or speak to an associate. After several seconds, the message repeated and told me to try again. I continued waiting to see if the system would offer other suggestions. However, I heard the same message. There was a brief silence, and the system ended the call.

Based on my experience, if you call this number for anything other than issues related to law enforcement, media inquiries, paid postings, or billing and credit card concerns, the automated menu is not much help. It may be worth a try to email support or visit the website and search for an answer to questions about Craigslist.

Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.