
iFit 客户常见问题解答



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iFit 有多种语言版本吗?

是的,iFit 有多种语言版本。我们了解我们的用户来自全球各个地区,因此我们做了...

最近 iFit 个客户问题

how do I check if there is power running to the resistance motor

To check if there's power running to the resistance motor on your iFit device, you'll have to safely access the motor's wiring and use a multimeter to measure the incoming voltage. The process might require unplugging the device, removing certain parts to access the motor and wires, and using the multimeter's probes on the connections. Since working with electricity can be dangerous, this should only be done by a trained professional or someone who is comfortable with basic appliance troubleshooting and repair. Exact steps can vary depending upon the specific model of your device, so please refer to your device's user manual for detailed instructions. Stay safe!
询问时间:May 14, 2024 2:04 PM

Stepper steps are locked and will not move. Just assembling it right now

If your stepper steps are locked and not moving, it's possible that something was assembled incorrectly or is too tight. Check first that all parts are put together as specified in the assembly manual. Pay special attention to any bolts or screws that seem to be causing the blockage - they might need slight loosening. Also, ensure that the machine is properly lubricated. It's crucial that all moving parts are allowed to move freely, especially when new. If you've followed all assembly instructions correctly and still encountering the issue, it might be best to seek professional help.
询问时间:Mar 23, 2024 11:34 PM

switch from family to individual membership

At present, iFit doesn't provide a direct option to switch from a Family plan to an Individual plan mid-subscription. The current plan needs to reach its end date, after which you can select the Individual membership plan for your renewal. It’s not possible to downgrade to an individual plan before the expiration of the existing Family plan. We recommend setting a reminder towards the end of your subscription to update or change your plan preference. Remember to review their terms and conditions carefully when choosing a different membership model.
询问时间:Mar 19, 2024 9:13 PM




iFit 是一个综合健身平台,可让您在舒适的家中提供个性化的锻炼体验。它是一个基于订阅的...


iFit 如何运作?

iFit 是一个综合健身平台,旨在增强您的锻炼体验。它的工作原理是与兼容的运动相结合......


哪些健身器材与 iFit 兼容?

iFit 与各种健身设备兼容,包括跑步机、椭圆机、自行车、划船机和力量机。这...


iFit 的价格是多少?

iFit 的费用根据您选择的订阅计划而有所不同。我们提供三种不同的计划来满足个人需求......

Membership Features

iFit 会员资格包含哪些功能?

成为 iFit 会员后,您可以使用各种令人兴奋的创新功能,增强您的健身之旅。首先,...


我可以取消我的 iFit 会员资格吗?

是的,您可以随时取消您的 iFit 会员资格。要取消,只需登录您的 iFit 帐户并转到“帐户设置”...

Device Usage

我可以在多个设备上使用 iFit 吗?

是的,您可以在多个设备上使用 iFit。 iFit 与多种设备兼容,包括智能手机、平板电脑、电脑……

Membership Plans

是否有不同的 iFit 会员计划可供选择?

是的,iFit 提供各种会员计划以满足不同的喜好和需求。客户可以从三种计划中进行选择:个人...

Progress Tracking

我可以在 iFit 上跟踪我的进度和统计数据吗?

是的,一点没错!借助 iFit,您可以轻松跟踪所有进度和统计数据,帮助您在健身之旅中保持动力......

Language Options

iFit 有多种语言版本吗?

是的,iFit 有多种语言版本。我们了解我们的用户来自全球各个地区,因此我们做了...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 iFit 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
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