
Withings 客户常见问题解答



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Withings 设备的电池寿命是多少?

Withings 设备的电池续航时间因具体产品而异。例如,Withings Steel HR 混合智能手表...

最近 Withings 个客户问题

Do I have to download the app for the scale to work

Yes, you need to download the Withings app for the scale to function properly. The app allows you to monitor your weight, track trends, and access additional features that enhance your experience with the scale.
询问时间:Mar 2, 2025 6:14 PM

New batteries but does nothing when I step on the scale

If your scale is unresponsive after changing the batteries, ensure they are inserted correctly and that the battery contacts are clean. Remove any protective film from the scale. Try resetting the scale by removing the batteries and holding down the power button for about 10 seconds before reinserting the batteries. If it still doesn’t work, there may be a hardware issue that requires further troubleshooting.
询问时间:Jan 23, 2025 4:38 PM

when i try to reset my watch with the ECG setting it takes me to let's get started & after that i can't go any futher hence i have no ECG app

It sounds like you might be experiencing an issue with the ECG app setup on your watch. Make sure your watch is updated with the latest firmware, as updates can resolve many problems. Try restarting your watch and then attempt to set up the ECG app again. If the issue persists, refer to the troubleshooting options in your user manual or look for a guide on our website. There may be additional steps specific to your model that can help.
询问时间:Jan 10, 2025 4:11 PM

The Workout App on my apple watch does not update my fitness level under ‘Activity in Withings app. How do I make it update

To ensure your Apple Watch Workout App updates your fitness levels in the Withings app, make sure that Apple Health data sharing is enabled. Go to the Health app on your iPhone, tap on your profile picture, then on "Apps" and select Withings. Ensure that all necessary permissions for activity, workouts, and fitness data are enabled for sharing with the Withings app. If the problem persists, try syncing your devices again or restarting both the watch and phone.
询问时间:Aug 8, 2024 10:24 AM

Multiple accounts were created when we invited family members to join

If multiple accounts were created when you invited family members to join, each family member may have signed up with a separate email address. To manage the situation, each family member can log in with their own account information. If you intended for them to use a shared account, you can choose to synchronize data under one primary account by re-inviting them correctly through the family account settings. This ensures better data consolidation and sharing within the Withings ecosystem.
询问时间:Jul 10, 2024 4:08 PM


Customer Service


您可能需要联系 Withings 的客户服务代表。如果是这样,我们当然理解。我们创作了一个令人惊叹的...

Returns and Warranty

Withings 产品的退货政策是什么?

Withings 为其产品提供无忧退货政策。如果您对购买的产品不完全满意,您可以退货...

Withings 产品有保修吗?

是的,Withings 产品享有保修。我们重视客户的满意度并坚持我们产品的质量。全部...

Order Management


是的,在 Withings 下订单后,您可以取消或更改订单。但是,请务必注意,如果您的订单...


Withings 致力于为其客户提供无缝、高效的购物体验。订单的预计交货时间...


是的,您可以使用 Withings 轻松在线跟踪订单状态。下订单后,您将收到一条确认信息...

Payment Methods

Withings 接受哪些付款方式?

Withings 接受多种付款方式,以提供便捷、安全的购物体验。客户可以选择支付他们的...


我在 Withings 网站上的个人信息安全吗?

是的,您的个人信息在 Withings 网站上是安全可靠的。我们认真对待隐私和安全,实施行业标准...


Withings 产品是否适用于 iOS 和 Android 设备?

是的,Withings 产品与 iOS 和 Android 设备兼容。 Withings 了解提供无缝...的重要性

使用 Withings 产品有兼容性要求吗?

Withings 产品旨在与各种设备和操作系统兼容。要使用 Withings 产品,您将...


使用 Withings 产品需要支付订阅费吗?

不需要,使用 Withings 产品无需支付订阅费。购买 Withings 设备后,您就可以享受其完整功能...

Product Information

Withings 设备的电池寿命是多少?

Withings 设备的电池续航时间因具体产品而异。例如,Withings Steel HR 混合智能手表...
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