
Taxslayer 客户常见问题解答


Taxslayer 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Taxslayer 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

Taxslayer 提供专业税务建议吗?

不,Taxslayer 不提供专业的税务建议。虽然 Taxslayer 提供了一个用户友好的在线报税软件,但它...

最近 Taxslayer 个客户问题

How long does it take to get my refund when approved

Once your tax refund is approved, the time it takes to receive it can vary. Generally, if you opted for direct deposit, you may see your refund within 21 days. If you chose to receive a paper check, it could take longer, potentially several weeks. Factors such as weekend or holiday processing and the IRS's workload may also affect the timeline.
询问时间:Feb 26, 2025 6:38 PM

I need a copy of my 2023 tax return and I can't remember my login information.

If you've lost your login information to access your 2023 tax return on Taxslayer, don't worry, we can definitely help you out. You can start the password recovery process on Taxslayer's website by clicking on "Forgot Password". You'll then have to provide the email that you used to register with Taxslayer. They will send an email to that address with instructions on how to reset your password, so you can access your account and get a copy of your 2023 tax return. Keep in mind that for security reasons, it is crucial to remember your login information to ensure the protection of your personal data.
询问时间:Apr 2, 2024 9:13 PM


The timeframe for receiving your refund depends on how the IRS or state taxing authority processes your return. Typically, if there are no issues with your return, the IRS issues most refunds from e-filed tax returns within 21 days. For a state tax refund, the processing times can vary from state to state. However, if you have chosen to receive your refund via mail, it may take several weeks for you to receive your check. Please understand that TaxSlayer has no control over the timing of your refund after the return has been sent to the IRS or the state taxing authority.
询问时间:Apr 2, 2024 7:19 PM

How do I access power of attorney forms?

To access Power of Attorney forms within TaxSlayer, you'll need to navigate to the section where you input your personal information. There, you'll find a section for Third Party Designee. Entering a Third Party Designee is the equivalent of providing someone Power of Attorney for your tax return purposes. You'll need to provide the person's name, phone number, and a 5-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) for them to use when discussing your tax matters with the IRS. Remember that by doing this, you are authorizing this person to speak with the IRS about your return.
询问时间:Mar 24, 2024 9:23 PM

It’s supposed to be free to file federal & state, but you’re trying to charge me $73!

While TaxSlayer does offer free federal and state tax return preparation for simple tax situations, there may be fees for more complex returns or additional features. Charges could stem from filing a state return, choosing a more robust edition for complex returns, or add-on features like professional review. The cost can also be based on the time of filing as prices may increase closer to the tax deadline. We recommend following the prompts carefully to ensure you select the right products for your tax situation to avoid unexpected fees.
询问时间:Mar 23, 2024 10:35 PM



如果我对 Taxslayer.com 的税收有疑问,我该怎么办?

重要的是要记住,无论您向某人(例如 TaxSlayer.com)支付多少钱来为您报税,它仍然取决于...


Taxslayer 支持哪些表格?

Taxslayer 支持多种表格,以满足各种税务情况。它提供对 1040、1040A、...等形式的支持


我可以通过 Taxslayer 电子申报州税吗?

是的,您可以通过 Taxslayer 以电子方式提交州税。 Taxslayer 为个人提供了一个用户友好的平台来准备和...

Processing Time

Taxslayer 处理纳税申报表需要多长时间?

Taxslayer 致力于尽可能快速有效地处理纳税申报表。通常,通过 Taxslayer 进行电子报税可以更快...

Amending Returns

我可以修改 Taxslayer 上的纳税申报表吗?

是的,您可以在 Taxslayer 上修改您的纳税申报表。 Taxslayer 提供了一个简单且用户友好的流程来修改您的纳税申报表...


Taxslayer 是否为他们的报税提供任何保证?

是的,Taxslayer 为其报税服务提供多项保证。首先,他们有100%的准确性保证,向用户保证...

Payment Methods

Taxslayer 接受哪些付款方式?

Taxslayer 接受通过各种方式付款,为其用户提供便利和灵活性。您可以使用以下方式付款...

Refund Tracking

我可以在 Taxslayer 上追踪我的退税状态吗?

是的,您可以在 TaxSlayer 上轻松跟踪退税状态。通过我们的平台成功提交纳税申报表后,...


使用 Taxslayer 需要额外付费吗?

不需要,使用 TaxSlayer 不需要额外付费。 TaxSlayer 提供的定价选项直接且透明......


我在 Taxslayer.com 上提供的个人信息的安全性如何?

Taxslayer.com 非常重视您个人信息的安全。我们利用各种技术和协议来保护...


如果我通过 Taxslayer 提交的纳税申报表出现错误怎么办?

如果您通过 Taxslayer 提交的纳税申报表有误,请不要担心,我们可以帮助您纠正。 Taxslayer 提供了一个简单的...

Professional Advice

Taxslayer 提供专业税务建议吗?

不,Taxslayer 不提供专业的税务建议。虽然 Taxslayer 提供了一个用户友好的在线报税软件,但它...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Taxslayer 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Taxslayer 个问题

