
Snapchat 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Snapchat 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。


如果您的 Snapchat 帐户被黑客入侵,请不要惊慌。通过填写包含您的用户名、电子邮件、手机号码的表格联系 Snapchat 支持...


如果您停用了 Snapchat 帐户,则可以在 30 天内使用该应用重新登录以重新激活它。30 天后,停用...

最近 Snapchat 个客户问题

My Snapchat is banned from my device

If your Snapchat account is banned from your device, it typically means that your account has violated Snapchat's community guidelines or terms of service. You may have the option to appeal the ban through the app or website. Ensure you follow any instructions provided during that process. Keep in mind that it may take time to receive a response regarding your appeal.
询问时间:Feb 14, 2025 11:45 AM

Why has my snap score gone up when i haven’t snapped anyone?

Your Snap Score can increase for several reasons beyond sending snaps. It may go up if you've received snaps, if you've posted stories, or if your friends have sent you snaps. Additionally, engaging with other users in various ways, such as adding friends or using features like chat, can also contribute to your score. Keep in mind that any activity related to snaps can affect your score.
询问时间:Feb 5, 2025 7:34 PM

When I tried to login to my Snapchat from a new device, it says suspicious login I know my and my password I just do not have access Phone number or email

If you're encountering a "suspicious login" message, it typically means Snapchat has detected an attempt to access your account from a different device. Since you don't have access to the phone number or email linked to your account, recovery options may be limited. To regain access, you might need to visit the account recovery section on the Snapchat app or website. Follow the prompts to identify your account and specify your situation. If you've run out of options, refer to the contact information available on this page for further assistance.
询问时间:Jan 13, 2025 1:22 PM

how do i reactivate deleted accounts

To reactivate a deleted Snapchat account, you can log in to the app using your username and password. If your account was deleted within the last 30 days, it should automatically be reactivated. After 30 days, Snapchat permanently deletes the account, and you won't be able to recover it. Make sure to use the same login credentials to reactivate your account.
询问时间:Jan 11, 2025 6:03 AM

if i send a snap and then delete it will my snap score go up or not?

If you send a snap and then delete it before it’s opened by the recipient, your Snap Score will not increase. Your Snap Score only increases when a snap is sent, received, or opened. Deleting a snap before it is viewed means it doesn't count towards your score.
询问时间:Jan 8, 2025 7:31 AM


Account Recovery


如果您的 Snapchat 帐户被黑客入侵,请不要惊慌。通过填写包含您的用户名、电子邮件、手机号码的表格联系 Snapchat 支持...


如果您停用了 Snapchat 帐户,则可以在 30 天内使用该应用重新登录以重新激活它。30 天后,停用...

Technical Issues


那么您的 Snapchat 停止工作了吗?没问题。我们研究了最常见的问题,并提出了解决这些问题的最佳方法......



您和您的朋友努力构建您的 Snapstreaks。那么当你失去连胜时你会怎么做?您可以通过以下方式举报该事件...

Email Change

我可以更改与 Snapchat 帐户关联的电子邮件地址吗?

是的,您可以更改与您的 Snapchat 帐户关联的电子邮件地址。为此,请打开 Snapchat 应用程序并转到您的个人资料...

Chat Conversation

是否可以删除 Snapchat 上的聊天对话?

是的,可以删除 Snapchat 上的聊天对话。为此,您只需向右滑动您所拥有的人的姓名即可...

Snap Maps


Snap 地图是 Snapchat 上的一项功能,允许用户在地图上查看好友的实时位置。要使用快照地图,只需...

Snap Saving


是的,可以保存快照而不将其发送到 Snapchat。 Snapchat 提供了一项名为“回忆”的功能,允许用户...

Message Recovery

Snapchat 消息删除后可以恢复吗?

不可以,Snapchat 消息删除后无法恢复。一旦您删除一条消息,它就会从 Snapchat 的服务器中永久删除......

Snap vs Story

Snap 和 Snapchat 上的故事有什么区别?

在 Snapchat 上,快照是指您发送给特定收件人或选定的一组朋友的照片或视频。另一方面,故事是照片和视频的汇编,可供所有朋友 24 小时查看。您可以将多个快照发布到您的故事中,创建您的一天或事件的叙述。故事可以通过标题文本、贴纸、过滤器等来增强。与 Snap 不同,故事对所有朋友可见,并且可以在 24 小时内多次查看。总之,Snap 是发送给特定个人的私人临时消息,而故事是所有朋友都可以看到的公开的、限时的 Snap 汇编......
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Snapchat 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Snapchat 个问题


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